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share by Nadine Mohamed
Study Abroad in Europe: Here Are 7 Reasons Why
When in Europe, you won't get bored of architecture, history, the food, or weather. We're telling you why you should study abroad in Europe.

When in Europe, you’ll never get bored of architecture, history, delicious food, or the weather. Europe is a great place to live and even better to study abroad. Immerse yourself in the culture, art, and natural scenery in Europe. It’s where everything is a bus or train ride away. Before you browse more than 28,000 study abroad programs you can take in Europe, Educatly tells you exactly why you need to study abroad in Europe!


Here Are 7 Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad In Europe:

1. High-quality education

Europe is home to the top education systems in the world, and many European countries make it yearly in the higher education system ranks worldwide. This means that once you get your degree in Europe, you’ll be highly qualified and respected in your field.


2. It’s affordable

With some of the best universities around the world, the tuition fees are relatively affordable (especially if you’re comparing it to the US!) You can study abroad in Lithuania (starting from €2,100), Germany (starting from $5,380), Spain (starting from €3,420), and much more. The living costs in those European countries are also manageable. In some countries, you can even get a post-graduate work permit and build a life in Europe.


3. You can visit 26 countries

Once you’re in Europe and have the Schengen visa, you can literally take a train to any other country. Visit Barcelona in Spain, Paris in France, Santorini in Greece, Amsterdam in the Netherlands, and much much more. You will enjoy a variety of cultures, lifestyles, languages, and beaches! 


4. The history

Europe goes way back! The Roman Empire, Attila the Hun, and the Ottoman Empire are all parts of European history. This history isn’t just about empires and world wars (literally), but also about art. Over thousands of years, culture, art, and architecture were heavily influenced, resulting in hundreds of beautiful creations. If you’re passionate about history, check out more than 700 history programs to study abroad.


study abroad in Europe


5. It’s home to many romantic cities

Vienna, Rome, Paris, Prague, Venice, Budapest, London, Barcelona, Dublin, and the town Rothenburg ob der Tauber, just to name a few of the world's most charming, fairy-tale-like cities. If you have that special one, you will spend the time of your life in Europe (or maybe you’ll meet them there!)


6. Career options

Firstly, there are many yearly job openings in Europe, more than 4 million a year. Secondly, vacancies are countless in Greece, Portugal, Spain, and Malta. Thirdly, almost all major brands and businesses have headquarters in Europe (so you can work at an international company with a clear career path). You'll get a job easily in Europe with a recognized degree from Europe and qualifications.


7. Lifestyle

The relaxed way of life is very common in Europe. It influences work behavior, socializing, and even relationships. For example, naps (siestas) are widely spread across Europe, mostly in Spain, but other European countries have adopted the 2-hour break midday to recharge. This lifestyle is very different from the American way and is quite productive.


If these aren’t enough reasons to make you sign up to Educatly, browse through all the study abroad programs in Europe, select the most suitable one for you, and apply. We don’t know what it is! What are you waiting for? Now is the time to study abroad in Europe.

Don’t forget to also follow Educatly for more on studying abroad.

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by Nadine
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