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share by Nadine Mohamed
7 Clear Signs You're Meant to Study Abroad
Here are 7 signs you're meant to study abroad: 1. You’re an ambitious person 2. It’s easy for you to motivate yourself

Let’s start by stating a very important fact: studying abroad might not be for everyone. Studying abroad is for the dreamers, the aspirers, and the planners. The kind of person who decides to take this step is someone who lets nothing stop them from achieving their goals. Studying abroad is not about who has money, a high GPA score, or speaks many languages. But there are some core qualities that will make a study abroad student have a full and amazing study abroad experience!


Here Are 7 Signs You’re Meant to Study Abroad:

1. You’re an ambitious person

If you’re ambitious, then you’re the right person to go for this. Ambition means you’re a hard worker who wants to go places, learn, grow, and succeed, and it's definitely one of the major signs of studying abroad. With all the amazing opportunities that studying abroad offers, only an ambitious person will seize the chance.


2. It’s easy for you to motivate yourself

Being away from your family and friends and getting emotional support can be challenging sometimes. Amidst the busy class schedule, assignments, and amazing social life, you will need to find the time to recharge your batteries. A self-motivated person will thrive while studying abroad.


3. You love meeting new people

You'll come across new people when you’re in a new country, home, and university. You will get to know people from different countries and backgrounds. Loving to socialize is essential to creating your new set of friends to keep you company (even if that means your new group of people loves… not being sociable).


4. Independent is your middle name

Whether you live on a student campus or off campus alone or with roommates, you will need to be independent. Self-sufficiency is key to studying abroad because you will be taking care of yourself and your home in every aspect. You’ll need to plan a budget, clean, cook, and pay the bills! If this is not you (yet), this experience will truly push you to add this skill to your life.


Signs You're Meant to Study Abroad


5. You’ve always dreamt of living in a new country

Everyone wants to travel, but only a few make it. However, now that you’re getting to know what it takes actually to have a fulfilling experience, you’re getting closer. Studying abroad is one great way to move to a new country. So, if you already want to do that, congratulations! You’re the perfect fit. 


6. Exploring new places is a habit for you

Forget about your local supermarket, the coffee shop down your street, and your regular hair salon. Studying abroad is the time to get out of your comfort zone. Since you’d be living in a new country, you will be exploring all kinds of new places —as well as culture and traditions. It will definitely help if you get a kick doing it.


7. You like to learn new languages

It’s true, everyone speaks English nowadays. Even all of our bachelor's and master's programs, no matter the destination, are in English. However, if you’ve always been interested in learning new languages and broadening your horizons, studying abroad will be just the thing to do. 


If these aren't signs to study abroad, we don't know what they are!


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by Nadine
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