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share by Nadine Mohamed
Here Are 5 Reasons to Study Software Engineering Abroad
Looking for career options, money, and success? Software engineering is the answer. Here're the top reasons to study software engineering abroad:

After you’re done with high school, the time to choose your higher education and life-long career comes. We can only imagine how overwhelming this feels, especially with all of the available opportunities around the world! 

However, at Educatly we try our best to make this hard decision as easy as possible. If you already know what your passion is (if you are still lost in that area, we have a whole episode focused on finding your passion), and how you want to spend the rest of your life, congratulations: you’re one of a few! On the other hand, if you’re looking for a golden road to career options, money, and success, let us recommend to you the highly-demanded job of the future: software engineering. 

Software Engineering will lead the way to a bright future, especially if you have a degree from a respected university abroad!

Still not convinced?


Here Are Some Reasons To Study Software Engineering Abroad:

1. You like to solve problems

If you’re a natural at finding problems and spotting a pattern, this field is for you. As a software engineer, you’re going to encounter problems, break them down to understand the cause, and propose a solution. If this is something you thrive on, keep reading.


2. There’s a global, high demand for software engineers

Reliance on technology is only getting higher in every aspect of life. That’s why software engineers and developers are always needed in every market! Additionally, that means that finding a job would be easy as there are more than 100,000 yearly jobs opening in this field alone, worldwide. 


Reasons to Study Software Engineering Abroad


3. Software engineers make a ton of money

Well, this is one of the top reasons to study software engineering abroad. On average, a software engineer makes more than $110,000 a year. Meanwhile, a high-quality set of skills makes a senior software engineer, who can make a lot more: an average of $132,274 per year (and triple that if you’re working in the USA). The salaries of course vary depending on the country, so imagine what you can do with a degree from abroad.


4. It will be even better by 2030

Between the years 2020 to 2030, it’s highly expected that employment for software engineers will increase by around 22%. There might be a little over 189,200 jobs opening yearly. If that doesn’t excite you to apply for a software engineering program now, I don’t know what will.


5. There are a lot of branches to expand to

Don’t be scared about the lack of career opportunities, because it will be… quite the opposite. Software engineering is not just about one job description. The field is broad with many different roads. After studying software engineering, you can work as a cyber security specialist, game developer, IT consultant, web developer or designer, and much more. All kinds of companies and organizations need software engineering.


If you got excited about a chance to study software engineering abroad, now is your chance.


Educatly offers you 381 software engineering programs in 150 different universities across the world! You can now choose from 10 different countries to study abroad. Study in the USA, the UK, or Ireland. Even better, you can study software engineering in Turkey, Malaysia, or the UAE. The best part… the tuition fees abroad are as affordable as 5,000 USD/year!


Apply now to study software engineering abroad at high-end universities!

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by Nadine
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