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Design Your Future: The Benefits of Studying Interior Design Abroad
Join many international students and study interior design abroad and Educatly will tell you about the coursework, different careers and the best countries:

You don’t really need to wait to start your creative journey as an interior designer. Join many international students and get your interior design degree from abroad. Be it in the USA, UK, Australia, Canada or Ireland, you can do it now, and Educatly is going to tell you all about interior design, the what, how and why.


What is Interior Design?

Interior design is the study of creating functional, aesthetically pleasing interior spaces in homes, offices, and other structures. It involves a deep understanding of space planning, colour theory, materials and finishes, furniture design, and lighting. An interior designer is responsible for creating environments that reflect the client's needs, preferences, and lifestyle.



What an Interior Design Student Studies

The road to becoming an interior designer, just like all professional roads, is long, and unlike other roads, this one is fun! As an interior design student, you would study the history of interior design, architectural design, furniture design, textiles and colour theory, space planning, and 3D modelling.


Most programs will also require students to complete a capstone project or internship in which they apply their knowledge to a real-world design project and create their own professional portfolios.


Career Opportunities For an Interior Design Degree Holder

With a degree in interior design, you'll have a wide range of career opportunities in different fields. Aside from the general job of an “interior designer”, you can also work as a project manager, design consultant, product specialist, space planner, kitchen and bath designer, residential designer, commercial designer, lighting designer, sustainable designer, visual merchandiser, and more.



You can work for a design firm, a home builder, an architecture firm, or start your own business. Some interior designers also specialize in areas such as green design, hospitality design, or event design. 


The exact amount you can make depends on factors such as your level of experience, location, and type of employer. An interior design degree holder can make from $33,000 up to $86,500 a year. It might also be useful to mention that the top-paying industries for interior designers are architectural and engineering services, specialized design services, and home furnishings stores.


Why You Should Study Interior Design Abroad

Studying abroad interior design will help you be exposed to new different styles in different cultures, you get to meet international experts and create a network, and grow personally and professionally. But aside from the many reasons why studying abroad is a great idea for your future, there are other reasons why you should study interior design in the first place.



Here are a few reasons why you should study interior design abroad:


1. Interior design is an inherently creative field, and studying it will give you an outlet to express your creativity. Whether you're creating a warm, inviting living room or a modern, minimalist workspace, you'll have the opportunity to design spaces that are both functional and beautiful.


2. As an interior designer, you'll have the opportunity to help people create the homes and spaces they've always wanted. Whether you're working with a client to create their dream home or designing an office that's both functional and beautiful, you'll be making a real difference in people's lives.


3. There are many opportunities for growth in the field of interior design. Whether you're looking to advance within a design firm or start your own business, there's always room to grow and develop your skills.


The Top Countries to Study Interior Design

1. United States: The United States has one of the leading educational systems in the world, especially when it comes to higher education. Study interior design in the USA for hands-on experience.


2. United Kingdom: The UK is home to many top-ranked interior design schools as well as a rich history of design. Browse through 20+ interior design programs in the UK for better career prospects. 


3. Australia: Australia is home to some of the world's top design schools and you can study interior design, interior architecture, or interior decoration. Study interior design in Australia this year for a fulfilling future.


4. Canada: Interior designs in Canada are highly respected and have many job opportunities that pay well. Explore interior design programs in Canada and start your adventure.


5. Ireland: In Ireland, you’d get exposure to unique design styles, and opportunities to network with industry professionals in a vibrant design community, so why not study interior design in Ireland?



Interior design is a rewarding and dynamic field that offers the potential for creative fulfilment. Whether you're looking to start a new career, grow in your current role, or simply explore your creative side, studying interior design abroad is a great way to achieve your goals. So start your journey abroad now and explore 80+ interior design programs all over the world.


Or just sign up, update your profile, and Educatly will match you with the perfect program, degree and university for you. 


What are you waiting for? Start now.

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