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share by Nadine Mohamed
How a Linguistics Degree From Abroad Can Transform Your Career
If you're interested in a linguistics degree from abroad, its structure, history, meaning, and social context. Linguistics could be the major for you.

Do you find language, its history, syntax, and phonetics statistics fascinating? Well, linguistics might be the field for you.


Linguistics explores how language functions, how we learn it, and how we utilize it to communicate. By majoring in linguistics, you will gain insight into one of the most intriguing aspects of human behaviour and knowledge. This field of study encompasses various aspects of human language, including sounds, words, sentences, and meaning. 


Getting a linguistics degree from abroad provides numerous benefits, such as access to fieldwork, diverse perspectives, and opportunities to develop valuable skills and knowledge. Educatly can help you explore these benefits and discover why studying linguistics abroad may be the best decision for your future.


What is the Study of Linguistics?

Defined as the scientific study of language, linguistics is an interdisciplinary field encompassing social and cultural factors that influence language use, such as dialects, accents, and language variation in different social contexts. The interesting thing about linguistics is that it offers a unique opportunity to explore the complexities of human communication and how language shapes our understanding of the world.


Linguistics Degree From Abroad


What do Linguistic Students Study?

The coursework for linguistics varies depending on the program and the institution but typically includes courses in phonetics, phonology, syntax, semantics, historical linguistics, and sociolinguistics. Students may also have the opportunity to specialize in a particular area of interest, such as psycholinguistics, computational linguistics, or language acquisition. In addition to coursework, many linguistics programs require students to conduct independent research projects or participate in internships or fieldwork to gain hands-on experience in the field.


Job Opportunities for Linguistics Degree Holder

Varied and diverse, the career prospects in linguistics are something to look forward to. Graduates with a degree in linguistics may find employment in academia, government, non-profit organizations, and the private sector. Some common job titles for linguistics graduates include language analyst, speech-language pathologist, translator, and language teacher, copywriter, technical writer and more. Linguistics graduates may also find employment in fields such as natural language processing, artificial intelligence, and digital media.


Linguistics Degree From Abroad


The average salary for studying linguistics varies depending on the career path chosen. However, salaries range from $80,000 to $150,000 depending on the job, location, level of experience, and job duties.


How Can Educatly Help You Get a Linguistics Degree From Abroad?

Educatly can connect you to 2,000+ linguistics programs abroad, which you can check out and choose one from. You can study linguistics in the UK, USA, Australia, Canada, Ireland and more. There are several top universities around the world where you can study linguistics. One of the best is King’s College in the United Kingdom, which is renowned for its Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching degree. Another top institution is the University of Delaware in the United States, which offers a world-class program in Linguistics and Cognitive Sciences. Other top institutions for studying linguistics include the University of Utah, Amsterdam, Glasgow, and College Cork.


If you are interested in studying linguistics abroad, Educatly can help you find a program that’s tailormade for you! By signing up to Educatly and updating your profile with your preferences, you will be automatically matched with said program. With over 27,000 programs abroad to browse through, Educatly makes it easy to begin your journey toward studying abroad.


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