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share by Nadine Mohamed
Top Universities to Study Media Abroad
With over 700 programs in top-tier universities all over the world, you can study media abroad and have countless opportunities.

The whole world communicates through media, be it through TV, video, print, or social media. Media is never going out of style, and it’s only the beginning.


If you’re a creative person, who never gets bored of interacting with the world, media is for you. A media studies student possesses intelligence, creativity, and flexibility. They’re always learning, growing, and adapting to the world. There’s no better way to sharpen and utilize those skills than to add an internationally accredited degree to the mix. Study abroad media studies & mass media, and media management, and immerse yourself in endless possibilities.


Educatly would never leave you high and dry. Actually, we have over 800 programs to study media abroad for you. Be it a bachelor’s degree, master’s, Ph.D, or even short courses! The cherry on top is that our programs are offered by 180 universities from Lithuania, Turkey, Spain, Ireland, the UK, the USA, and much much more.


What can you do with a media degree?

When you study media abroad, you can work in different departments. You can work in marketing, advertising, public relations (PR), film production, consulting, design, journalism, publishing, and more. The best thing is that almost every entity, organization, or company would have those departments. Every business of any sort will need to market itself and maintain public relations. So you can definitely forget about unemployment with a media degree!


study media abroad


When it comes to different jobs as a media graduate, such a degree would prepare you to be a:

  • Digital Marketer
  • Media Buyer
  • PR Officer
  • Social Media Manager
  • Content Manager
  • Advertising Manager
  • Broadcaster
  • • Film Director
  • • Journalist
  • • Writer
  • • Editorial Assistant
  • • Event Manager
  • Social Networking Specialist
  • Market Researcher


Those are just a few examples of what you can possibly be! And be honest with yourself; you’ve been on social media since you were able to read, so you know a thing or two about how something is marketed or how to sell. A media degree means you’ll be getting paid to do what you already do daily!


All you need to do is sign up to Educatly and browse through 400 media studies bachelor’s degrees, 280 master’s, and 20 Ph.Ds. Select the most suitable program for you to study media abroad, and apply now. It would only be the beginning of an amazing life and career. 


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by Nadine
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