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Tuition Fee
USD 35,414
Per year
Start Date
Medium of studying
On campus
12 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Systems Engineering | Aerospace Engineering
Area of study
Computer Science & IT | Engineering
Missile and Space Systems Technology
Education type
On campus
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
USD 35,414
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

Develop your expertise in spacecraft engineering on this MSc Space Systems Engineering course, unique to the University of Southampton. Developed by world-class experts from our

Astronautics Research Group

and endorsed by the UK Space Agency, it will give you the skills and knowledge to pursue further specialism, whether you’re a recent engineering, science or maths graduate or already working in the aerospace industry.

On this master's degree you'll gain a detailed overview of how to design a total space system. You’ll learn how the various component subsystems function and integrate with one another, and gain advanced knowledge of space systems engineering.

Drawing on content from the professional courses we run for the European Space Agency and spacecraft industry, this master's course is ideal for both graduates and those who already have some professional experience of astronautics or aerospace engineering.

The degree has a strong practical focus. You’ll take part in individual and group design projects as well as conducting your own critical research project, allowing you to develop your expertise in spacecraft engineering.

You’ll be able to put theory into practice with the help of world-class facilities such as our spacecraft propulsion laboratory, autonomous systems test bed and shaker table.

Course lead

Your course leader is Dr Zhiwei Hu, Reginald Platt Lecturer in Civil Aviation within Engineering and Physical Sciences. His research interests include turbulence simulations, computational fluid dynamics and high-speed train aerodynamics. Visit

Dr Hu's staff profile

to read more about his work.

Program Outline

This full-time master's course runs for a whole year.

For the first 8 months (semesters 1 and 2) you’ll focus on the taught part of the course. Exams take place at the end of each semester.

You'll spend the last 4 months of your course working full-time on your research project. You’ll be able to do some preparation for this in semester 2.

Want more detail?

See all the modules in the course.