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Tuition Fee
USD 26,563
Per year
Start Date
Medium of studying
On campus
12 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Social Science
Area of study
Demography and Population Studies
Education type
On campus
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
USD 26,563
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

2022-2023 Scholarships for MSc in Demography

The Department of Social Statistics and Demography at the University of Southampton can offer up to four scholarships of £2,500 each for excellent UK (Home) students, to go towards paying the tuition fees for studying on our postgraduate programmes. To qualify, you need to have a first-class degree in relevant disciplines and strong motivation to study Demography, Applied Statistics, Social Research Methods with Applied Statistics and Global Health at the postgraduate level. To apply, please send a 500-word statement of intent and research interests and a CV to Professor Vicky Hosegood (for Global Health, or Dr Olga Maslovskaya (for all other programmes, by Friday the 8th of July 2022. Successful applicants will be notified on Monday the 18th of July 2022.

Demography is the study of human populations, their size, density and distribution. Discover how to gather and analyse demographic data and population change on our MSc Demography degree. You’ll explore historical and current population trends in developing and developed countries and the social and economic impact of demographic change.

Graduate with the quantitative analysis skills to support social policy-making across a range of sectors.

Understanding demographic change helps strategic decision-making across a range of sectors. From health and social care to local and national government and international organisations. It’s also an important way to inform market research.

On this UK master’s course in demography, you’ll look at issues such as population and reproductive health. You’ll cover demographic methods and approaches, and both qualitative and quantitative social science research methods.

You’ll learn:

  • demography theory and methodologies
  • the skills to plan, carry out and share demography research, especially where statistical analysis methods are important
  • research methodologies, focusing on demographic methods, survey design and analysis
  • critical thinking in the context of population sciences.
  • how to prepare to become a demographer in areas like government, local authorities, and international health and policy
  • You’ll benefit from the cutting-edge research conducted in our research centres led by professors from our department:

  • Economic and Social Research Council Centre for Population Change

  • Centre for Global Health, Population, Poverty and Policy

  • Economic and Social Research Council National Centre for Research Method

  • Flexible study

    If you prefer, you can apply to study this course as:

  • a part-time master's - study the same course content over 2 or more years
  • You can also take a single module as part of continuing professional development (CPD). Explore

    modules that are available as CPD

    Your modules and fees may vary if you choose a different study option.

    Course lead

    Your course leader is Dr Olga Maslovskaya, Lecturer in Social Statistics and Demography within Economic, Social and Political Sciences. Her research interests include survey research, survey methodology, social statistics, quantitative research methods and demography. Read

    Dr Maslovskaya's staff profile

    to find out more about her work.

    Program Outline

    On the full-time version of this master’s in demography your studies take place over 12 months.

    The course is made up of 9 months of taught learning between October and June. This includes modules that all students on the degree study, as well as a number of modules in methodological and demographic topics that you can choose.

    The last 3 months of the course focuses on the research and preparation of your master’s dissertation.

    Want more detail?

    See all the modules in the course.