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Tuition Fee
USD 29,355
Per year
Start Date
Medium of studying
On campus
48 months
Program Facts
Program Details
English Literature | Literature
Area of study
Literary Theory | English Language and Literature/Letters
Education type
On campus
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
USD 29,355
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

We perform innovative and world-leading research across literature, writing and linguistics.

We’re part of the interdisciplinary School of Literature and Languages, which has research-active staff who are at the forefront of knowledge in English literature, creative writing, film studies, translation studies, theoretical and applied linguistics, and literary and cultural studies.

Our research concentrates on a range of periods, themes and subjects, including:

  • medieval literature
  • Shakespeare and the Renaissance
  • romanticism
  • Victorian and 19th-century literature
  • modern and contemporary literature
  • creative writing
  • film studies.
  • Our diverse mix of subject specialities mean that we are a vibrant and imaginative community with lots of opportunity for intellectual exchange.

    We’re part of


    , an

    Arts and Humanities Research Council

    AHRC)-funded doctoral training partnership, which provides access to comprehensive academic and professional training programmes, as well as the possibility of funding for your studies. The Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021 ranked the School of Literature and Languages 10th for research impact, with 75% of our case studies rated as having outstanding impacts, in terms of reach and significance (4*). REF is the UK’s system for independently assessing the quality of research in higher education institutions. Our submission to REF included contributions from the Guildford School of Acting (GSA).

    Program Outline

    Our English Literature PhD will train you in critical and analytical skills, research methods, and knowledge that will equip you for your professional or academic career. It normally takes around three or four years to complete our full-time PhD.

    You’ll be assigned a primary and secondary supervisor, who will meet with you regularly to read and discuss your work and progress. For us, writing is essential for understanding and developing new perspectives, so you’ll be submitting written work right from the start of your course.

    In the first year of your PhD, you’ll refine your research proposal and plan the structure of your work with the guidance and support of your supervisors. As you go into your second and third year, you’ll gradually learn to work more independently, and your supervisors will guide you on how to present at conferences and get your work published.

    After 12-15 months, you’ll submit a substantial piece of work for a confirmation examination. The examination will be conducted by two internal members of staff not on your supervisory team and will give you the opportunity to gain additional guidance on your research-to-date. Following submission of your completed thesis, a viva will be conducted by a panel of one or more external examiners as well as an internal examiner.