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Tuition Fee
Per year
Start Date
Medium of studying
On campus
36 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Education Management | Education Research | Education Studies | Educational Leadership | Educational Psychology
Area of study
Education | Humanities
Curriculum and Instruction | Educational Leadership and Administration | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | STEM Education
Education type
On campus
Full time
Course Language
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

Bishop Grosseteste University's Education Studies program offers a comprehensive understanding of child development, learning theories, and educational inequality. Through coursework, placements, and a dissertation, students develop critical thinking, research, and professional skills. Graduates are highly employable in teaching and other education-related fields, with many pursuing postgraduate teacher training. The program emphasizes inclusivity, diversity, and global perspectives, preparing students for a wide range of careers in education and beyond.

Program Outline


Year 1:

  • Child Development and Wellbeing: This module examines the development of children from social, psychological, and educational perspectives.
  • It explores the link between a child's context and their learning and development, considering various factors like attachment, resilience, mental health, and trauma. Additionally, broader socioeconomic issues impacting childhood development are investigated.
  • The Brain, the Mind and Education: This module delves into the interconnectedness of the brain and mind, focusing on how this knowledge informs education policy and practice.
  • It covers topics such as executive functions, working memory, different types of intelligence, and the influence of nature and nurture on brain development. It examines how factors like socioeconomic status, gender, ethnicity, and human rights contribute to varying academic performance. Additionally, this module includes a placement experience to apply theoretical knowledge and develop practical skills.
  • Perspectives on Learning: This module introduces key theoretical ideas and principles about learning throughout life.
  • It covers historical approaches like behaviorism and constructivism, along with contemporary ones like andragogy and heutagogy. The module examines factors like education policy that shape learning in the 21st century.

Year 2:

  • Becoming a Professional: Building on the understanding and experience gained through placements, this module explores the role of a professional in different settings.
  • Students apply knowledge and skills in real-world contexts and receive guidance on developing professional skills and documents like CVs and personal statements. The module emphasizes reflective practice and explores contributions from theorists like Dewey, Schön, and Kolb. Workshops focus on academic skills, including reading and writing, relevant to professional contexts.
  • Education in a Digital Era: This module examines the expanding role of digital technologies in educational settings and equips students to understand, utilize, and apply digital literacies appropriately.
  • It covers both the strengths and limitations of technology-based teaching and learning strategies and assessment approaches.
  • Interpreting Education Research: This module develops skills for analyzing educational research and interpreting data.
  • Students explore various quantitative and qualitative methods and gain experience in applying these methods and analyzing research results.
  • Vision to Reality: This module delves into the historical development of schools and educational practices, examining how various ideas about education have shaped policy and practice globally.
  • It explores different educational ideologies and relates them to contemporary educational trends, considering the purpose and outcomes of education and the diversity of learning settings.

Year 3:

  • Thinking Through Pedagogy: This module critically examines various views on effective pedagogical practice.
  • Drawing on research and contemporary developments, it builds on the understanding of learners and learning established in previous years. It may explore social pedagogical approaches like dialogic teaching and collaborative learning strategies. This module focuses on the philosophical and theoretical aspects of inclusivity while addressing diversity and inclusion in various contexts. It builds on the values and philosophies explored in earlier modules, deepening students' appreciation of human rights, equality, and equity.
  • Contexts for Learning: This module examines a wider range of learning contexts and settings, considering their benefits and limitations.
  • Students explore various informal and alternative learning environments, appreciating their impact on learners and educators. They also consider pedagogical approaches utilized in these contexts and how these connect with contemporary educational policies.
  • Language, Literacy and Learning: This module explores the foundational role of language and literacy in learning throughout life.
  • Focusing on reading, writing, speaking, and listening, it investigates historical and contemporary approaches to literacy teaching, considering factors like home experiences and exposure to literature.
  • Dissertation: This module culminates in a substantial dissertation project on a topic of student's choice relevant to contemporary education.
  • Students gain skills in research design, data collection and analysis, applying both primary and secondary data. The module emphasizes independent research, analytical writing, and argumentation while providing opportunities for sharing and refining ideas through group work and supervision.
  • Global Perspectives on Education: This module broadens students' understanding of educational issues by exploring the impact of globalization on education policy and practice in diverse international contexts.
  • It examines topics like citizenship, human rights, access to education, and education for sustainable development, relating these to social theories of education and development goals. Additionally, the module encourages reflection on cultural diversity and fluency in the context of international education.


Assessment in Education Studies is primarily focused on coursework, which includes diverse formats like essays, reports, oral presentations, multimedia presentations, reflective logs, and portfolios. There are no formal examinations in the program. Students can expect to give individual or group oral presentations and create multimedia presentations throughout the course. The curriculum involves building up writing skills, starting with shorter writing pieces and progressing to longer essays with feedback from tutors. The focus is on developing academic capabilities and effective communication through writing.


BGU employs a diverse range of teaching techniques in the Education Studies program, combining traditional university methods with innovative approaches to encourage student participation and interaction. Students engage with the material through lectures, tutorials, seminars, practical workshops, coursework, and work-based placements. The program provides flexibility and encourages independent study. Placements are a vital aspect of the program, offering valuable real-world experiences to apply the acquired knowledge and skills, boosting employability and career prospects.


Education Studies graduates enjoy high employability rates, with approximately 70% pursuing postgraduate teacher training and becoming highly successful primary or secondary teachers. Other graduates find success in education-related fields like health, social care, public information, and communication sectors. The diverse nature of the program equips graduates with valuable professional skills and opens doors to opportunities in various industries. They are well-suited for roles in business, service industries, personnel management, museums, galleries, or charities. The Student Advice team guides students through the intricacies of student finance, step-by-step, to make the process clear and ensure students can manage their funding effectively.

  • Student Support: BGU fosters a close-knit academic community where students and staff interact in a supportive and pleasant atmosphere.
  • Every member of staff is approachable and readily provides personalized assistance and academic guidance. Students receive individual attention and are recognized for their unique talents and aspirations. From the first semester to graduation, the university prioritizes support, both personal and academic, and ensures a fulfilling student experience.