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Tuition Fee
USD 13,032
Per year
Start Date
Medium of studying
Program Facts
Program Details
Area of study
Medicine & Health
Maternal Health
Education type
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
USD 13,032
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

Advocating and educating for quality improvement (A-EQUIP) is the new model and framework of midwifery supervision.  The Professional Midwifery Advocate is a fundamental leadership and advocacy role designed to deploy the A-EQUIP model.

The aim of this module is to prepare registered midwives who have undertaken the Preparation of Supervisors of Midwives programme (NMC 2014) or equivalent training, to achieve the standards and competencies required to successfully undertake the role of the Professional Midwifery Advocate (PMA).

The programme is designed to recognise the existing knowledge and experience of the participants and will be one of blended learning – an approach which combines and aligns learning undertaken in face to face sessions with online learning opportunities. It is expected that the attendees will be prepared to actively participate in-group discussions, give feedback and support their colleagues.

For further information, please contact Julie Foster, the programme leader at

  • Next

    Course Details

  • Program Outline

    Course summary

    The bridging programme is specifically designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of previous Supervisors of Midwives who have undertaken the Preparation of Supervisors of Midwives programme (NMC 2014) or equivalent training, and who are considered by the employing NHS Trusts to be eligible to become PMAs.

    The course includes:

  • Exploration of the A-Equip model including the background to the development of the model and policy drivers
  • Role of the Professional Midwifery Advocate
  • Adult learning styles
  • Restorative Clinical Supervision
  • Compassionate Resilience
  • Quality Improvement - methods and measures
  • Facilitators and barriers.
  • Leadership qualities and leadership theories in practice including leadership challenges; quality improvement and how does the PMA role facilitate this; mindfulness and reflection.
  • The course will be taught on 4 days over 2 consecutive weeks using a blended learning approach utilising peer discussions, reflection and feedback from online or face to face activities to support both the learning of this module and in meeting the framework to support the PMA competency framework.

    Taught dates


  • 28th March
  • 18th, 25th April
  • 2nd May

  • Programme Specification

    Programme specification (PDF)

    Assessment, Feedback, and Teaching and Learning methods

    Full details are available in the

    programme specification



    The teaching timetable should be available from the end of August. Access to the timetable is through the Student Hub – you will be able to access the Student Hub after you have completed online registration. The teaching day is 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday; please keep your other commitments open until confirmation of your teaching timetable, and bear in mind that many courses will offer placements or fieldwork which sometimes extends into the evenings and weekends.