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Tuition Fee
USD 650
Per course
Start Date
Not Available
Medium of studying
On campus
3 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Medicine & Health
Human Nutrition | Nutrition Sciences
Education type
On campus
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
USD 650
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

This course provides students with an understanding of the food matrix, macro- and micro-nutrients, energy balance, and the relevance of history, geography, psychology, sociology and economics in understanding food patterns and food choice.

Program Outline

The food matrix will be deconstructed to understand the chemical properties of nutrients in foods enabling a comprehensive understanding of their structure and role in human health.  You will learn about nutrients under the two umbrella terms; macro- (protein, carbohydrate and fat) and micro- (vitamins and minerals) nutrients and the scientific recommendation of each nutrient for health.  You will gain skills in dietary and food analysis enabling you to recommend a nutritionally balanced diet depending on the demographics of an individual.  You will learn how to interpret diets and possible deficiencies and excess in the diet.  You will also examine food and allergy labelling and their legal requirements.  Finally, you will explore food patterns and the factors influencing food choice a various groups and cultures. The learning outcomes are:

  • Describe the classification of the major food groups and explain their contribution to a healthy d
  • Explain energy balance, including methods of its measurement and estimation.
  • Explain the sources and structure of nutrients, and their digestion, absorption, storage and metabolism in the human body2
  • Understand nutrient requirements in health and the scientific principles of food-based dietary guidelines.
  • Describe and explain food patterns and food choice in groups and cultures.
  • Disclaimer

    The University regularly reviews its courses. Course content and structure may change over time. See our

    course and module disclaimer

    for more information.

    Learning Methods

    Directed study activities will be given each week over the duration of the course.  In addition, online ‘live’ tutorials will take place, supplemented by online discussion forums.


  • Written exam

  • Independent Study

    Independent study is expected throughout.  In addition to reading around the topic to enhance your knowledge, you will be directed to do particular tasks and submit your findings.  A full brief of what you are required to do, and when, will be provided at the start of the module.

    Staff Delivering This Course

    All staff delivering on the course are either Registered Dietitians (HCPC) or Registered Nutritionists (AfN).

    Academic Support

    The Inclusion Centre advises and supports students who disclose a sensory or mobility impairment, chronic medical condition, mental health issue, dyslexia and other specific learning differences. Applicants are encouraged to arrange a pre-entry visit to discuss any concerns and to view the facilities.

    The Inclusion Centre

    Online Learning & Support

    All online learning students, benefit from using our collaborative virtual learning environment, CampusMoodle. You will be provided with 24/7 online access to your learning material and resources, along with the ability to interact with your class members and tutors for discussion and support.


    Study Skills Support

    The Study Support Team provides training and support to all students in:

  • Academic writing
  • Study skills (note taking, exam techniques, time management, presentation)
  • Maths and statistics
  • English language
  • Information technology support
  • Study Skills Support

    Library Support

    The Library offers support for your course, including the books, eBooks, and journals you will need. We also offer online reading lists for many modules, workshops and drop-ins on searching skills and referencing, and much more.

    University Library

    This ‘top-up’ module in nutrition is appropriate for those, who have completed relevant previous studies, who wish to progress to undertaking a PDGE in Home Economics teaching.