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Tuition Fee
GBP 50,100
Per course
Start Date
Medium of studying
On campus
60 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Area of study
Medicine & Health | Science
Medical Ethics | Medical Microbiology | Medical Toxicology
Education type
On campus
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
GBP 50,100
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

The University of Aberdeen's MBChB program offers a modern, integrated approach to medical education, utilizing a systems-based curriculum and providing early patient contact. Students benefit from access to the largest health campus in Europe, gaining valuable clinical experience and interacting with experienced clinicians. The program emphasizes student support, professional development, and research opportunities, preparing graduates for successful careers in medicine.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:

At a Glance:

  • Learning Mode: On-campus Learning
  • Degree Qualification: MBChB
  • Duration: 60 months
  • Study Mode: Full-Time
  • Start Month: September
  • UCAS Code: A100


The University of Aberdeen's MBChB program offers a modern, dynamic, and integrated approach to medical education. The curriculum is constantly updated to reflect the latest advancements in medical science and healthcare delivery, ensuring graduates are well-prepared for their future careers. The program utilizes a systems-based approach, organizing learning around the body's organ systems. This integrated approach helps students understand the interrelationships between different body systems and how diseases affect them. Students benefit from access to the largest health campus in Europe, including a large teaching hospital, paediatric and maternity hospitals, providing valuable clinical experience and interaction with experienced clinicians. With a strong research focus, Aberdeen attracts aspiring medical students who want to contribute to the future of healthcare.


Year 1:

  • Term 1: Focuses on medical sciences and disease processes, providing foundational knowledge.
  • Term 2: Introduces the systems-based approach using clinical cases as the focal point, exploring the anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and disease processes of each body system.
  • Foundations of Primary Care Course (FPC): Offered in local general practices.
  • First 4-week Student Selected Component (SSC): Project-based group work.

Year 2:

  • Continues the systems-based teaching and FPC, deepening knowledge and skills.
  • Second 4-week SSC focusing on molecular mechanisms of disease.
  • Weekly clinical attachments with various multi-disciplinary hospital teams.

Year 3:

  • Completion of the systems and FPC courses.
  • Unique 6-week Medical Humanities SSC.
  • Bi-weekly clinical attachments continue, culminating in the ability to perform a complete head-to-toe examination by year's end.

Year 4:

  • Development of clinical reasoning, diagnostic, and management skills for individual patients and patient populations.
  • Seven six-week clinical blocks with thematic titles covering diverse clinical areas and disciplines.
  • At least one clinical block in Inverness.
  • Remote and Rural option available, offering all year 4 blocks in Inverness.
  • Five horizontal themes: diagnostics, end-of-life care, health data science, quality improvement, cost and value of healthcare.

Year 5:

  • Apprentice year preparing students for competent, safe, and effective medical practice.
  • Student Assistantships in medical, surgical, and GP/Psychiatry attachments.
  • Focus on post-graduation skills and knowledge development for foundation doctor roles.


  • Written Exams: Assess factual knowledge and clinical reasoning/diagnostic skills.
  • Coursework: Essays, reports, group projects, posters, presentations.
  • Clinical Exams: Evaluate clinical skills, disease management, professional skills, and ethical considerations.


  • Step-by-step approach: Develops knowledge, skills, and professional attitudes through a systems-based curriculum.
  • Intercalated honours degree: Medical Science or Medical Humanities option available at the end of year 3 or 4.
  • Remote and Rural placements: Gain experience in diverse healthcare settings in Northern Scotland.
  • 8-week elective project: Independent research opportunity in a chosen area of medicine, anywhere in the world.


  • Early patient contact: From the program's start, students work with Patient Partners and participate in clinical attachments.
  • Clinical Skills Centre: Utilizes modern facilities and simulation technology for skill development and safe learning environment.
  • State-of-the-art anatomy facility: Designed to complement the systems-based medical curriculum.
  • Medical Humanities SSC: Offers alternative perspectives on medicine, health, sickness, and disability.
  • Intercalated honours degree: Enhance skills and knowledge in Medical Science or Medical Humanities.
  • Remote and rural placements: Unique opportunity to experience healthcare in diverse settings.
  • 8-week elective project: Independent research and study opportunity in any area of medicine.
  • 'Culture of Care': Emphasis on student support and development of essential professional skills.


  • The program emphasizes the importance of open communication with potential applicants to ensure their understanding of the demanding nature of a medical career.
  • It highlights the vocational nature of medicine and the extensive and dedicated study required throughout the undergraduate program and beyond.
  • The availability of specific courses, options, and features may be subject to change.


Tuition Fees for 2024/25 Academic Year: £9,250

EU / International students

Tuition Fees for 2023/24 Academic Year: £50,100 This includes the mandatory national levy to cover the cost of tuition in the NHS.

Home Students

Tuition Fees for 2024/25 Academic Year: £1,820