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Tuition Fee
Per year
Start Date
Not Available
Medium of studying
On campus
36 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Art Design | Art History | Digital Art | Fine Arts | Creative Writing | Radiology
Arts | Humanities | Medicine & Health
Art History and Conservation | Arts and Media Management | Art Teacher Education | Radiation Biology/Radiobiology | Art and Art Studies | Art Therapy
Education type
On campus
Full time
Course Language
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

The MPhil/PhD Advanced Practices program at Goldsmiths, University of London empowers individuals to develop their creative and critical practices within a supportive and transdisciplinary environment. Through seminars, workshops, and independent study, students explore contemporary art and critical theory, fostering innovation and experimentation. The program prepares graduates for diverse careers in academia, curating, writing, artistic practice, and social change.

Program Outline

This program fosters an environment where students can:

  • Develop their own work within the context of contemporary practices.
  • Invent methodologies and reframe critical urgencies.
  • Reimagine the contexts for artistic and intellectual production.
  • Bring together diverse knowledge sources, methodologies, and models for public engagement.
  • The program is grounded in theoretical frameworks and encourages participants to explore new ways of making public their work. It emphasizes:
  • Choreopolitics
  • Anthropology as Cultural Critique
  • Cultural Metabolics
  • Curatorial Knowledges
  • The Exhibitionary Matrix
  • The Intrusions of Nature
  • Race and Digital Ecologies
  • Practice Epistemology
  • Spectral Infrastructures
  • This practice-driven and research-based program welcomes projects in progress, collaborations with organizations, and the development of new platforms. It also provides a space to rethink how work is disseminated and to experiment with transdisciplinary approaches.
  • #Program Objectives
  • The MPhil/PhD Advanced Practices program aims to:
  • Equip students with the skills and knowledge to pursue successful careers in diverse fields, including:
  • Artists
  • Curators
  • Organizers
  • Researchers
  • Activists
  • Foster a community of critical thinkers and creative practitioners who can contribute to and shape the future of their respective fields.
  • Provide a platform for students to develop and refine their own unique practices.
  • Encourage experimentation and innovation within the context of contemporary art and critical theory.


This program is designed to be flexible and adaptable to the individual needs and interests of each student.

#Program Structure

  • The program typically takes
  • 3-4 years for full-time students
  • and
  • 4-6 years for part-time students
  • .
  • six seminars per year
  • artists, curators, organizers, researchers, and activists
  • #Course Content
  • The program's curriculum encompasses a wide range of topics, including:
  • Choreopolitics: Exploring the intersection of dance, politics, and social movements.
  • Anthropology as Cultural Critique: Utilizing anthropological methods to analyze and critique contemporary culture.
  • Cultural Metabolics: Examining the relationship between cultural production and ecological processes.
  • Curatorial Knowledges: Investigating the role of curators in shaping cultural discourse.
  • The Exhibitionary Matrix: Analyzing the history and theory of exhibitions.
  • The Intrusions of Nature: Exploring the relationship between nature and culture in the Anthropocene.
  • Race and Digital Ecologies: Examining the intersections of race, technology, and the environment.
  • Practice Epistemology: Investigating the ways in which knowledge is produced through artistic practice.


While specific modules may vary depending on the year of enrollment, the program typically includes modules such as:

  • Advanced Practices Seminar Series: A series of seminars led by renowned scholars and practitioners exploring key themes in contemporary art and critical theory.
  • Research Methods and Design: Introduces students to various research methodologies and assists them in developing their own research projects.
  • Curating and Public Engagement: Explores the theory and practice of curating exhibitions and engaging with audiences.
  • Independent Study: Provides students with the opportunity to pursue their own research interests under the guidance of a faculty supervisor.


Assessment methods in the program:

  • Essays: Students produce written work that demonstrates their understanding of key concepts and their ability to apply theoretical frameworks to their own research.
  • Creative Projects: Students engage in artistic or curatorial projects that showcase their creative and critical abilities.
  • Presentations: Students present their research to peers and faculty in seminar settings and conferences.
  • Portfolio: Students compile a portfolio of their work that demonstrates their development as researchers and practitioners.

Assessment criteria:

  • Originality and creativity: Students’ work should be original and demonstrate a unique perspective.
  • Depth of analysis: Students should demonstrate a deep understanding of the theoretical concepts and historical context relevant to their work.
  • Quality of research: Students should conduct thorough and rigorous research that informs their creative and critical practices.
  • Clarity of communication: Students should be able to communicate their ideas effectively in written and oral formats.


The program features a diverse and experienced faculty, including:

  • Professor Irit Rogoff: A leading scholar in the field of visual culture, known for her contributions to the development of transdisciplinary approaches to art and theory.
  • Dr. Adnan Madani: An artist, writer, and curator specializing in contemporary South Asian art and popular urban cultures.
  • The program also welcomes guest lecturers and visiting scholars, providing students with exposure to a wide range of perspectives and expertise. Teaching methods include:
  • Seminars: Interactive sessions led by faculty and guest speakers that encourage critical discussion and debate.
  • Workshops: Hands-on sessions that provide students with opportunities to develop their skills in areas such as writing, research, and curating.
  • Independent study: One-on-one supervision with faculty members to guide students in their research and creative projects.


Graduates of the MPhil/PhD Advanced Practices program pursue diverse careers in fields such as:

  • Academia: As researchers, professors, and lecturers in universities and other educational institutions.
  • Curating: As curators and directors of museums, galleries, and other cultural institutions.
  • Writing and criticism: As art critics, journalists, and independent writers.
  • Artistic practice: As artists, filmmakers, and performers.
  • Arts administration: As administrators and managers in arts organizations and cultural institutions.
  • Activism and social change: As activists, organizers, and changemakers working to address social and environmental issues.
  • The program emphasizes the importance of transdisciplinarity, encouraging students to draw inspiration and insights from diverse fields of study. The program provides students with a supportive and intellectually stimulating environment in which to develop their research and creative practices. This program is an excellent choice for individuals who are passionate about contemporary art and critical theory and who desire to make a meaningful contribution to their chosen field. It offers a unique combination of theoretical rigor, practical experience, and individualized attention, preparing students for successful careers in various sectors.

Annual tuition fees These are the fees for students starting their programme in the 2024/2025 academic year. Home - full-time: £TBC Home - part-time: £TBC International - full-time: £TBC Additional costs There may also be specific additional costs associated with your programme.