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Tuition Fee
GBP 11,750
Per year
Start Date
Medium of studying
On campus
36 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Automotive Engineering | Mechanical Engineering
Area of study
Engineering | Science
Automotive Engineering Technology | Manufacturing Technology | Mechanical Engineering/Mechanical Technology
Education type
On campus
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
GBP 11,750
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

Recent reports show how vital the automotive sector is to a prosperous UK economy with its contribution reaching over £20 billion. Last year, the manufacturing sector turned over a record-breaking £82 billion, marking the automotive industry as the UK’s largest manufacturing export sector. This is due to the hands of its 814,000 employees, and reports state that up to 28,000 new jobs will have to be fulfilled by 2020. This honours degree has been designed for the automotive industry in response to the shortfall of mechanical engineers. It is for those who have a strong interest in mechanical engineering and a clear desire to develop their knowledge and skills in automotive engineering. The course fully explores the engineering, design, analysis and development of modern cars using various race cars as support for teaching. It also puts emphasis on learning transferable skills applicable to many other industries.Key Course Features:• We have several Industry links: Toyota and Polybush are just some of the companies we currently work closely with• You will access a specialist motorsport workshop as well as an industry standard production workshop to gain experience in using machinery.• You will be given an access to various projects (projects are changing at all times – subjected to changes - currently Glyndwr Racing Alfa 159, MX5 racecar, Westfield amongst many others). Students are also currently running a Formula Student team.• You will have a personal supervisor to oversee your academic progress and your personal welfare.You can also choose to study this course as a foundation year BEng Hons Automotive Engineering (with foundation year) UCAS Code: H331*Subject to re-accreditation