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Tuition Fee
GBP 12,000
Per course
Start Date
Not Available
Medium of studying
On campus
12 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Publication | Writing
Design | Media & Communication
Literary Editing and Publishing | Publishing
Education type
On campus
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
GBP 12,000
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

MA Creative Writing and Publishing is an exciting and innovative Master’s programme offered by the University of Lincoln in partnership with The Guardian. Fusing academia and creativity with industry insights, this programme offers students the opportunity to develop their skills and build a portfolio with support from an academic coach and professionals in the publishing industry.

Teaching is enhanced by workshops, readings, and masterclasses by acclaimed authors from a range of genres. Past speakers have included Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy and naturalist Chris Packham. Professionals from major publishers will contribute to the teaching and support, alongside Guardian editors and writers such as Associate Editor for Culture Claire Armitstead, Deputy Opinions Editor Toby Moses, and interviewer Simon Hattenstone.

A focus on the business of publishing aims to prepare students for entering the competitive world of contemporary publishing, as well as to develop the necessary skills such as creating an elevator pitch and writing first-rate submission letters to attract publishers and agents, building an understanding of what editors are looking for, and learning about the publisher/reader relationship.

Career Opportunities: This course aims to prepare students for entering the competitive world of contemporary publishing, as well as to engage with necessary skills such as creating an elevator pitch and writing first-rate submission letters to attract publishers and agents, develop an understanding of what editors are looking for, and learn about the publisher/reader relationship. Through a combination of academic study and workshop activities, the programme can enhance the transferable skills within creative writing, preparing students for occupations in areas such as publishing, lifestyle journalism, and public relations.