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Tuition Fee
EUR 15,130
Per course
Start Date
Not Available
Medium of studying
On campus
12 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Pharmaceutical Science
Medicine & Health
Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Education type
On campus
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
EUR 15,130
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

What is regulatory science?

Regulatory science is the science of developing new tools, standards, and approaches to assess the quality, safety and efficacy of medicines. With the significant evolution in technologies used in manufacture of medicines and the increasingly diverse types of medicinal products being developed, it is vital that our methods of assessing quality of medicines evolve to be flexible, yet robust at assuring safe and effective drug products for patient use.

How does this regulatory science programme differ from regulatory affairs courses?

This postgraduate diploma in regulatory science is a science-driven approach to drug product development and regulation. Regulatory affairs courses focus on the study of current drug regulation and regulatory requirements. While this programme covers regulatory affairs in a global manner, a scientific emphasis is provided on all topics, challenging students to use critical-thinking to overcome problems and provide science-based solutions.

Who should apply?

This programme is ideal for high achieving graduates from a range of backgrounds (science, health-related, numerate, quantitative business) who have an interest in upskilling and diversifying into the pharmaceutical industry. In addition, this programme would also be suitable to candidates who have strong experience in the pharmaceutical industry and wish to upskill.