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Tuition Fee
GBP 18,810
Per year
Start Date
Not Available
Medium of studying
Fully Online
36 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Archaeology | Classics
Classical and Ancient Mediterranean Studies and Archaeology | Archaeology and Ancient Studies
Education type
Fully Online
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
GBP 18,810
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

By pursuing research in Archaeology at Birmingham, you will be joining an active community, with work taking place around the world. You will benefit from access to our broad range of expertise and facilities.

Research opportunities include prehistoric, classical, historical, landscape, funerary, environmental and byzantine archaeology, as well as geographical information systems and digital archaeology.

Our research explores the earliest settlements and landscapes in regions inundated after the last ice age, through to the complex archaeology of modern industrial societies, using traditional and cutting edge techniques.

Why Study this Course?

Employability skills: Birmingham's Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology graduates develop a broad range of transferable skills including: familiarity with research methods; the ability to manage large quantities of information from diverse sources; the ability to organise information in a logical and coherent manner; the expertise to write clearly and concisely and to tight deadlines; critical and analytical ability; the capacity for argument, debate and speculation; and the ability to base conclusions on statistical research.

Vibrant community: We have a vibrant and productive postgraduate community and students are encouraged to enter fully into the life of the Department and the University. We enable advanced research students to broaden their skills through appropriate training in teaching skills and, where possible, through offering the chance to gain experience in teaching.

Excellent resources: You will have access to a range of learning resources including environmental and material culture teaching collections, the Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology Museum, and the Danford Collection of African art and artefacts. Additionally, the University Library holds excellent Archaeology collections covering an extremely wide range of archaeological themes, subjects, periods and geographical areas.


Your degree will provide excellent preparation for your future career, but this can also be enhanced by a range of employability support services offered by the University and the College of Arts and Law.

The University's Careers Network provides expert guidance and activities especially for postgraduates, which will help you achieve your career goals. The College of Arts and Law also has a dedicated careers and employability team who offer tailored advice and a programme of College-specific careers events.

You will be encouraged to make the most of your postgraduate experience and will have the opportunity to:

  • Receive one-to-one careers advice, including guidance on your job applications, writing your CV and improving your interview technique, whether you are looking for a career inside or outside of academia
  • Meet employers face-to-face at on-campus recruitment fairs and employer presentations
  • Attend an annual programme of careers fairs, skills workshops and conferences, including bespoke events for postgraduates in the College of Arts and Law
  • Take part in a range of activities to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to potential employers and enhance your CV