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Tuition Fee
Per year
Start Date
Medium of studying
On campus
12 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Area of study
Medicine & Health | Science
Education type
On campus
Full time
Course Language
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

The Postgraduate Diploma in Psychological Therapies: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (PgDip CBT) is a one-year, full-time program designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge to become qualified CBT therapists. The program combines classroom learning, clinical practice, and intensive skills workshops, with an emphasis on self-practice and self-reflection. Graduates can pursue careers in public or private mental health services, or as independent practitioners.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:

  • Overview: The Postgraduate Diploma in Psychological Therapies: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (PgDip CBT) program is a one-year, full-time course designed to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to become qualified CBT therapists.
  • Objectives: The program aims to enhance therapy skills, support trainees through an intensive learning experience, and provide the key competencies required to effectively work as a Cognitive Behaviour Therapist.
  • Description: The program combines classroom learning, clinical practice, clinical supervision, and intensive skills workshops.
  • The curriculum emphasizes self-practice and self-reflection to solidify learning and promote professional development.


  • Content: The program covers the fundamentals of CBT and its application in treating anxiety disorders and depression.
  • It also delves into the delivery of CBT for individuals with comorbidity and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
  • Structure: The program is divided into six modules:
  • The Fundamentals of CBT
  • Consolidation of the Fundamentals of CBT
  • CBT for Anxiety Disorders
  • Consolidation of CBT for Anxiety Disorders
  • CBT for Depression
  • Advanced Topics in CBT
  • Schedule: The program consists of two days of university-based learning and three days of supervised clinical practice in a primary care mental health service.
  • Modules:
  • The Fundamentals of CBT:
  • Introduces the core principles and techniques of CBT.
  • Consolidation of the Fundamentals of CBT: Provides further in-depth exploration and practice of CBT skills.
  • CBT for Anxiety Disorders: Equips trainees with the skills to assess and treat various anxiety disorders.
  • Consolidation of CBT for Anxiety Disorders: Consolidates knowledge and skills related to CBT for anxiety disorders through case studies and supervision.
  • CBT for Depression: Focuses on the assessment and treatment of depressive disorders using CBT methods.
  • Summative assessment:
  • Case studies:
  • Four case reports on clients with different primary disorders, requiring analysis, intervention, and reflection.
  • Video recordings: Three video recordings of therapy sessions with clients, evaluated using the Cognitive Therapy Scale - Revised.
  • Literature Reviews: One comprehensive review of chosen topics related to CBT fundamentals.
  • Clinical Portfolio: Documentation of clinical work, supervision, case reports, presentations, and reflective accounts.
  • Reflective Accounts: Brief reflections on experiences in various program components.


  • Teaching methods:
  • Clinical supervision:
  • Weekly individual or group supervision with accredited CBT therapists.
  • Clinical skills workshops: Experiential learning through role-plays, feedback, and self-reflection.
  • Main lectures: Introduction to key concepts and theories.
  • Literature presentations: Presentation and discussion of assigned readings.
  • Case presentations: Presentation and analysis of clinical cases.
  • Faculty: Experienced CBT therapists and trainers with extensive clinical and academic expertise.
  • Unique approaches: Emphasis on self-directed learning, self-practice, and critical reflection.


  • Career paths: As an accredited Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, graduates can pursue careers in public (NHS) or private mental health services, or as independent practitioners.


  • Program accreditation: Immediately accreditable by the BABCP (British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies).
  • Funding: Full tuition fees covered by Health Education England for trainees employed in participating services.
  • Self-funded option: Available with access to relevant training cases and supervision.

If you are successful in gaining a training position at one of the aforementioned Primary Care Mental Health Services in the region, all tuition fees will be paid for by Health Education England. We occasionally accept self-funded applications on this course, you will need to have access to relevant training cases and supervision as part of the course which you will need to find yourself.