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Tuition Fee
Euro 19,700
Per year
Start Date
Medium of studying
On campus
12 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Film | Filmmaking | Business Administration
Area of study
Arts | Business & Management
Cinematic Analysis | Cinematography and Film/Video Production | Research and Development Management
Education type
On campus
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
Euro 19,700
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

The second year PFS cinematography program deepens the skillset developed in the year course through hands on workshops in the classroom and full-time work on film sets.

Program Outline

Details of the program

The first semester is broken into two parts:

1) shooting for genre and the film camera

2) show reel development and shooting for commercials

The first part of the program is designed along the lines of genre, working in different styles of lighting, format and lens selection to achieve certain looks in preparation for working with the PFS directing students for their second year projects. Class projects include the usual hi-key, low-key, mixed lighting situations in the studio but also involve shooting on location. Location work inculcates a better understanding of color temperature, electrical power and the instruments used for different situations. The connection between the creation of the image in the camera and how it is read and interpreted by the color correction system is also treated. Students will also be introduced to the film camera and have the opportunity to shoot on Super 16mm film stock.

The show reel development and shooting for commercials part of the first semester will involve cinematography students shooting commercials for their show reels.  The sessions will introduce students specifically to the world of the cinematographer on TV commercial productions. Students will go through all the steps of the process: scouting locations, planning shots, casting, shooting, color-grading and editing the commercials. Each student will DP on one commercial, and work in the camera or lighting unit on another three. Each student will cut his/her version of each commercial.

We want to send our cinematography students out into the (real) world with a contemporary and professional looking show reel, a body of work that gets them in the door and working and earning a living. The aim of the workshops is two-fold: to help students build a body of professional-grade material for their show reels, and to instruct cutting-edge lighting and camera techniques under the mentorship of one of Prague’s leading DPs.

During the second semester, students shoot up to 30 minute-long films. Students are in production for 45 to 60 days. Following the production of the film, students will be involved in post production (including color correction), post production workshops and classes relating to show reel development.