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Tuition Fee
GBP 1,995
Per year
Start Date
Not Available
Medium of studying
On campus
2 days
Program Facts
Program Details
Office Administration
Business & Management
Executive Assistant
Education type
On campus
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
GBP 1,995
About Program

Program Overview

Effective leadership is critical to the success of all organisations. Traditional command-and-control leadership styles are becoming less tenable in a complex and digitally connected world. Successful leaders need to be agile, adaptable, have a strong level of self-awareness, and a firm understanding of their impact upon others (especially followers).

Who is the programme for?

The programme is designed for individuals who have leadership aspirations. It is particularly relevant to professionals, technical staff and administrators who have recently taken on formal responsibility for managing others. Given that the emphasis in leadership development is on interpersonal competence rather than detailed technical knowledge, the programme is suitable for participants from organisations of all sizes and irrespective of the industry sector.

Benefits for you

  • Recognise your preferred leadership style and appreciate how to adapt and modify your behaviour in order to lead effectively
  • Demonstrate a heightened awareness of the needs, capabilities and expectations of followers
  • Enhance your capacity for giving and receiving meaningful, honest and authentic feedback
  • Increased awareness of team dynamics and how to leverage diversity in group situations.

Benefits for your organisation

  • Develop the ability to select from, and apply, a range of situationally-determined leadership strategies and lead in a context-sensitive way
  • Learn how to delegate effectively, offer positive encouragement, and to meaningfully motivate and engage subordinates
  • Understand and draw upon a repertoire of approaches for handling poor performance and constructively managing conflict.

Program Outline

The Becoming an Effective Leader for Aspiring Leaders programme is structured in a way that combines contemporary theoretical insights with a practical and grounded understanding of how to apply the content to the day-to-day work of being an effective leader. Using a variety of techniques including face-to-face teaching, case studies and experiential exercises, the programme is delivered over two days. The first day focusses on leading oneself insofar as it looks at self-awareness, individual leadership predispositions and preferences, dominant behaviours, and personal effectiveness. The second day is primarily concerned with leading others insofar as it looks at leading teams, motivating followers, managing conflict, delegating and influencing others.