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Tuition Fee
Per course
Start Date
Medium of studying
On campus
Program Facts
Program Details
Veterinary Medicine
Area of study
Medicine & Health | Science
Education type
On campus
Full time
Course Language
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

As a result of the perceived demand, AMTRA and Harper Adams University have developed a plan to allow qualified Veterinary Nurses to 'add on' to their VN qualification and become an AMTRA SQP who can prescribe VPS medicines for companion animals-termed a C-SQP.

The assessment will be in an exam format and will contain a case study with a description of a scenario. T will also be some short answer questions to cover knowledge of other areas of the medicines legislation relevant to SQP's. e.g. legal aspects of medicine storage.

None of the AMTRA examination centres currently offer training courses aimed directly at VNs, though courses covering the Base and Companion Animal modules (C-SQP qualification) are available.

NB: that should you wish to enrol on the C-SQP training you will need to highlight that you are a qualified VN

Please also ensure that you notify AMTRA of this too