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Tuition Fee
Per year
Start Date
Medium of studying
On campus
48 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Computer Science | Software Engineering | Multimedia | Web Design
Area of study
Computer Science & IT | Science
Web Technologies and Cloud Computing | Computer Software Technology | Web Page, Digital/Multimedia and Information Resources Design | Web/Multimedia Management and Webmaster
Education type
On campus
Full time
Course Language
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

The BSc Multimedia, Mobile & Web Development program at Maynooth University is a four-year undergraduate degree that equips students with the knowledge and skills to develop mobile apps, websites, and multimedia applications. The program emphasizes hands-on learning, practical skills development, and industry-relevant knowledge, preparing graduates for careers in software development, web development, mobile app development, and other related fields.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:


The BSc Multimedia, Mobile & Web Development (MWS) program is a four-year undergraduate degree offered by the Department of Computer Science at Maynooth University.


This program equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to develop mobile apps and websites, as well as other applications in multimedia fields.


The program emphasizes hands-on learning, practical skills development, and industry-relevant knowledge.


Students benefit from dedicated computer science facilities, access to the latest technologies, and the guidance of experienced faculty.


The program's interdisciplinary approach incorporates elements of mathematics, development, design, and user experience.



The program structure comprises four years of study, with the first year focusing on foundational topics in computer science and mathematics.


From the second year onwards, students concentrate on computer science and multimedia-specific modules.


The second and third years include a mix of lectures, seminars, laboratory sessions, and project work.


In the third year, students undertake a six-month industry placement (subject to availability), allowing them to gain real-world experience and apply their learned skills.


The program offers a diverse range of modules covering areas such as mobile app development, web development, user interface design, databases, software engineering, computer graphics, and multimedia production.



The program employs a variety of assessment methods, including examinations, coursework assignments, project work, presentations, and practical demonstrations.



The program features a dynamic faculty consisting of experienced researchers, industry professionals, and academics with expertise in diverse areas of computer science, multimedia, and software development.


The department utilizes innovative pedagogical approaches, including flipped classrooms, project-based learning, and gamification, to enhance student engagement and understanding.



Graduates of the BSc MWS program are equipped with skills and knowledge relevant to careers in various industries, including:


Software development


Web development


Mobile app development


User interface design


Multimedia production


Games development


Education and training


Research and development





The program emphasizes transferable skills development, equipping graduates with valuable attributes such as problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, teamwork, and project management.


Students have opportunities to participate in research projects, international exchange programs, and industry collaborations. If any details are missing or unclear, additional research may be necessary.