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Program Facts
Program Details
Public Administration | Public Management | Social Work
Area of study
Business & Management | Education
Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education | Women's Ministry and Gender Studies | Public Administration and Social Services | Urban Studies and Urban Affairs | Non-Profit and Organizational Management
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About Program

Program Overview

The Community and Nonprofit Leadership Capstone Certificate program at UW-Madison emphasizes a holistic approach to leadership in community and nonprofit settings. Through a combination of required and elective courses, students develop critical thinking, practical skills, and managerial competencies. The program fosters collaborations with community partners and guest contributors, providing an immersive learning experience that prepares graduates for diverse career paths in the community and nonprofit sectors.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:

This Community and Nonprofit Leadership Capstone Certificate program emphasizes a holistic, community-centered, and multidisciplinary approach. It encourages critical thinking and the refinement of practical skills while acknowledging root causes and fostering the development of tactical and managerial competencies. At the core of this program are community partnerships and wisdom-centered teaching. Through collaborations with a vast network of guest contributors from local, regional, national, and international organizations, along with field-based experiences and guidance from UW-Madison instructional faculty, students can expect an enriching and immersive learning journey. The program offers a supportive learning environment, where students can engage with peers who share their passion for making a meaningful contribution to various communities and nonprofit organizations.


The Community and Nonprofit Leadership Capstone Certificate program comprises a minimum of 10 credits, including a required 4-credit course, INTER-HE 815 Professional Skills for Community Leaders and Practitioners, and a selection of elective courses.

Required Course:

  • INTER-HE 815 Professional Skills for Community Leaders and Practitioners: This course offers various topics, covering essential skills and strategies for effective leadership in community and nonprofit settings.
  • Course topics include:
  • Managing and Facilitating Interaction with the Public Sector and Understanding Regulatory Contexts
  • Culturally Competent and Trauma-Informed Strategies
  • Creative Collaborations and Partnerships in Domestic and International Contexts
  • Financial Management and Reporting Processes for Organizations
  • Storytelling, Messaging, and Communication Design Concepts for Mission-Based Enterprise
  • Health and Wellness Principles and Applications
  • Fundraising and Revenue Models

Elective Courses:

  • CSCS 300 Nonprofit Sector: Overview and Foundations: This course introduces the fundamentals of the nonprofit sector.
  • CSCS 345 Evaluation and Planning for Community and Nonprofit Organizations: Students learn about evaluation and planning processes for community and nonprofit organizations.
  • CSCS 460 Civil Society and Community Leadership: Explores the relationship between civil society and community leadership.
  • CSCS 600 Community Leadership Portfolio Capstone: Students create a portfolio that demonstrates their leadership skills.
  • CSCS 699 Independent Study: Allows students to pursue individualized research or projects.
  • CSCS 742 Nonprofit Board Leadership Development I: Focuses on developing leadership skills for nonprofit board members.
  • CSCS 743 Nonprofit Board Leadership Development II: Continues the development of leadership skills for nonprofit board members.
  • CSCS 775 Building Civil Society: Examines strategies for building civil society.
  • CSCS 785 Civic Development Across the Lifespan: Explores civic development from childhood to adulthood.
  • CSCS 795 Community Power and Collective Action: Analyzes the dynamics of community power and collective action.
  • CSCS 811 Community-Based Research: Theory and Practice: Provides a foundation in community-based research methodologies.
  • CSCS 812 Mixed-Methods in Community-Based Research: Explores mixed-methods approaches to community-based research.
  • CSCS 813 Transformative Evaluation in Practice: Examines transformative evaluation approaches in community settings.


The program requires students to maintain a minimum grade of C in all coursework applied towards the capstone certificate. Audit or pass/fail options are not applicable for these courses. All credits earned for the certificate must be completed while enrolled in the program and through UW-Madison-based instruction, whether on-campus or delivered remotely.


The Community and Nonprofit Leadership Capstone Certificate program utilizes a blend of teaching methods, including lectures, discussions, experiential learning, and guest speaker presentations. The program draws upon a diverse faculty with expertise in community development, nonprofit management, social policy, and related fields.


The program aims to equip graduates with the knowledge, skills, and connections necessary to pursue diverse career paths within the community and nonprofit sectors. Potential opportunities include leadership roles in nonprofit organizations, community development agencies, government agencies, and other mission-driven enterprises.