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Program Facts
Program Details
Area of study
Engineering | Science
Civil Engineering Technology | Biomedical Technology | Chemical Engineering Technology | Alternative Fuel Vehicle Technology | Advanced Manufacturing Techniques
Course Language
About Program

Program Overview

Western Michigan University's Ph.D. in Engineering and Applied Sciences offers two tracks: Engineering and Applied Sciences. The program provides advanced knowledge and skills in engineering principles and scientific applications, preparing students for careers in research, academia, and industry. Students are assessed through qualifying exams, comprehensive exams, and dissertation defenses. The program is taught by experienced faculty engaged in research and industry collaborations, utilizing lectures, seminars, and independent research.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:

Western Michigan University's Ph.D. in engineering and applied sciences is offered in two tracks: Engineering and Applied Sciences. The program aims to provide students with advanced knowledge and skills in their chosen fields, preparing them for careers in research, academia, and industry.


The program's content includes:

  • Engineering Track:
  • Focuses on fundamental engineering principles and their applications in various fields, including structural engineering, transportation engineering, and construction engineering.
  • Applied Sciences Track:
  • Emphasizes the application of scientific principles to solve problems in fields such as materials science, environmental science, and data analytics.


Students are evaluated through a variety of methods, including:

  • Qualifying Exam:
  • A written and oral exam that assesses students' competence in their field of specialization.
  • Comprehensive Exam:
  • A written proposal and oral presentation that evaluates students' research plan and dissertation topic.
  • Dissertation Defense:
  • A public presentation and defense of the student's dissertation research.


The program is taught by a team of experienced faculty who are actively engaged in research and industry collaborations. Teaching methods include:

  • Lectures:
  • Provide students with foundational knowledge and concepts.
  • Seminars:
  • Facilitate discussions and presentations on current research topics.
  • Independent Research:
  • Allows students to conduct original research under the guidance of their faculty advisor.


Graduates of the program are prepared for careers in:

  • Research:
  • Conducting original research and developing new technologies.
  • Academia:
  • Teaching and conducting research at universities and colleges.
  • Industry:
  • Applying their advanced knowledge and skills to solve real-world problems in various industries.