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Program Facts
Program Details
Area of study
French Studies | French Language and Literature
Course Language
About Program

Program Overview

Brock University's French Studies program offers a comprehensive education in French language, literature, and culture. Through a combination of core courses and electives, students develop proficiency in French, critical thinking skills, and an understanding of French-speaking societies worldwide. The program prepares graduates for careers in government, translation, education, and other fields where French language skills are essential.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:

  • Overview:
  • Brock University's French Studies program is a Bachelor of Arts degree offered by the Faculty of Humanities.
  • Objectives:
  • The program provides a multifaceted education in French language, translation, linguistics, and literature, encompassing literary movements from French-speaking countries around the globe. It highlights cultural and historical aspects through courses in painting, architecture, music, and significant events from France and the Francophonie.
  • Description:
  • The program offers a combination of theoretical and practical learning opportunities to enhance students' proficiency in French. Students gain fluency through coursework in language acquisition, grammar, conversation, and cultural studies. The program emphasizes the development of critical thinking, analytical, and writing skills, enabling students to engage critically with literary texts and cultural phenomena.


  • Core Curriculum:
  • The program's core curriculum includes fundamental courses in French language grammar, syntax, vocabulary, and phonetics. It also encompasses literature courses covering major literary genres (e.g., poetry, prose, drama) and literary movements from various French-speaking regions.
  • Electives:
  • Students can elect specialized courses based on their interests and career aspirations. Elective options include courses in French cinema, translation theory and practice, French linguistics, Francophone literature from Africa and the Caribbean, and advanced language proficiency courses.
  • Course Structure:
  • The program comprises 120 credit hours, consisting of required core courses, elective courses, and a capstone project. Students typically complete their coursework within four years of full-time study or six years of part-time study.


  • Assessment Methods:
  • Student assessment in the French Studies program primarily involves essays, exams, oral presentations, and research projects.
  • Criteria:
  • Assessments evaluate students' proficiency in the French language, their understanding of the subject matter, their critical thinking skills, and their ability to communicate their knowledge effectively.


  • Teaching Methods:
  • The program utilizes a variety of teaching methods, including lectures, tutorials, seminars, workshops, and language labs.
  • Faculty:
  • The program is taught by experienced and knowledgeable faculty members who are actively engaged in research and have expertise in various areas of French language, literature, and culture.
  • Unique Approaches:
  • The program offers unique learning opportunities, such as study abroad programs in Quebec, France, and other Francophone countries, providing students with immersive experiences to enhance their language skills and cultural understanding.


  • Career Paths:
  • The French Studies program prepares graduates for diverse career opportunities.
  • Potential Careers:
  • Federal or provincial government and banking
  • Translation and interpretation
  • Journalism and communications
  • Public and postsecondary education
  • French services in the private sector