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Program Facts
Program Details
Philosophy | Biochemistry
Area of study
Humanities | Science
Genomic Research | Philosophy and Philosophical Inquiry
Course Language
About Program

Program Overview

St. John's University's Ph.D. in Biology emphasizes cell and molecular biology, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of biological principles. The program includes core courses, research rotations, and advanced seminars, culminating in a doctoral dissertation. Graduates are well-prepared for careers in academia, industry, or government, including research, teaching, and scientific writing.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:

The Ph.D. program in Biology at St. John's University delivers comprehensive knowledge of the biological sciences, with an emphasis on cell and molecular biology. The program aims to provide students with a deep understanding of biological concepts and principles, enabling them to conduct cutting-edge research and pursue careers in academia, industry, or government.


Program Structure:

  • The program consists of a minimum of 60 credits beyond the B.S.
  • degree, or 32 credits beyond the M.S. degree.
  • Core curriculum includes Biology 207, 208, 212, and at least two research rotations (BIO 550 and 551).
  • Students can complete an additional third research rotation (BIO 552).
  • Upper-level courses and specialized research courses lead to the development of a doctoral dissertation.
  • Advanced seminars examine specific research questions through experimental literature.

Course Schedule:

  • Course offerings provide comprehensive understanding of biology, with emphasis on cell and molecular biology.


  • Third or fourth semester doctoral students take an oral qualifying examination that tests basic knowledge of core courses and their relation to chosen research area.
  • Doctoral comprehensive examination is an oral examination administered by the thesis committee, reviewing the thesis proposal and its methodological soundness and significance.


  • Faculty mentors are accomplished, dedicated, and internationally renowned.
  • Weekly seminar series provides opportunities to meet and learn from experts at top research institutions.


  • Graduates are well-qualified for research and teaching positions at the college and university level.
  • Research and managerial careers in industry or government are also common.
  • The program prepares students for a wide range of career opportunities, including:
  • University and college faculty
  • Researchers in industry and government laboratories
  • Scientific writers and editors
  • Patent attorneys