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6 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Business Administration
Business & Management
Office Management
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About Program

Program Overview

Madison College's Essentials of Microsoft Office program equips students with comprehensive skills in Microsoft Office applications, preparing them for administrative roles. The program covers Windows, Outlook, Access, and business applications, and offers flexible course formats. Graduates are eligible for Microsoft Office Specialist certification and are well-positioned for careers in administrative fields.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:

  • Overview: Madison College's Essentials of Microsoft Office program is designed to enhance your proficiency in Microsoft Office, preparing you for a successful career in today's modern offices.
  • Upon completion, you will be equipped to pursue Microsoft Office Specialist certification.
  • Objectives: By obtaining this certificate, you will master the fundamentals of Microsoft Office, significantly boosting your efficiency and productivity in office settings.
  • Description: The Essentials of Microsoft Office program at Madison College is a comprehensive offering that equips students with in-depth knowledge and practical skills in Microsoft Office applications.
  • It is an ideal choice for individuals seeking to enhance their skill set, advance their careers, or transition into administrative roles.


  • Content and Structure: The program curriculum covers a range of Microsoft Office applications, including Microsoft Windows, Outlook, Access, and Microsoft Office for Business Applications.
  • Courses are designed to provide a solid foundation in each application, enabling students to navigate and utilize its features effectively.
  • Course Schedule: The program can be completed on a part-time basis, allowing students to balance their studies with other commitments.
  • Online and bilingual course formats are also available for added flexibility.
  • Modules:
  • Module 1: Microsoft Windows:
  • This module introduces students to the Windows operating system, covering topics such as file management, application navigation, and system customization.
  • Module 2: Outlook: Students gain proficiency in Outlook's email, calendar, and contact management features, enabling them to effectively manage their communications and schedules.
  • Module 3: Access: This module delves into Access's database management capabilities, providing students with the skills to create, manage, and query databases.
  • Module 4: Microsoft Office for Business Applications: The capstone module integrates the skills acquired in previous modules, demonstrating how to utilize Microsoft Office applications seamlessly in business settings.
  • Students learn to create professional documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and databases.


  • Methods: The program employs a combination of assessment methods to evaluate student progress and mastery of the subject matter.
  • These methods may include quizzes, assignments, projects, and exams.
  • Criteria: Assessments are designed to measure students' understanding of the concepts covered in each module, their ability to apply those concepts in practical scenarios, and their overall proficiency in Microsoft Office applications.


  • Methods: The program utilizes a variety of teaching methods to cater to diverse learning styles.
  • These methods include lectures, demonstrations, hands-on exercises, and group discussions.
  • Faculty: The program is taught by experienced faculty who are experts in Microsoft Office applications and have extensive experience in teaching and industry.
  • Unique Approaches: The program incorporates a practical, hands-on approach to learning, ensuring that students gain not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills that they can immediately apply in their professional endeavors.


  • Potential Career Paths: Upon completion of the Essentials of Microsoft Office certificate program, graduates are equipped for a range of administrative positions, including:
  • Word Processing Specialist
  • Secretarial Assistant
  • Program Assistant
  • Clerical Assistant
  • Office Assistant
  • Document Specialist
  • Administrative Clerk
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Office Support Assistant
  • Data Entry Operator
  • Information Assistant
  • Opportunities and Outcomes: This certificate opens doors to various career opportunities in administrative fields.
  • It serves as a valuable credential, demonstrating your proficiency in Microsoft Office applications, enhancing your employability, and increasing your earning potential. Graduates are well-prepared to excel in office environments, maximizing their contributions to organizations and driving business success.