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Tuition Fee
Start Date
Medium of studying
48 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Fine Arts | Performing Arts
Area of study
Acting and Performance Arts | Fine Arts and Studio Art
Full time
Course Language
About Program

Program Overview

Wright State University's Professional Acting Training Program prepares students for a competitive acting career with intensive training and industry connections. Graduates have a high employment rate upon graduation, working in various performance fields, including Broadway, regional theaters, and film and television. The program also provides opportunities for further graduate study in teaching and has produced alumni who have achieved membership in prestigious theatrical unions.

Program Outline


We maintain an excellent network of relationships with agents, casting directors, and creative talent nationwide. Because of their intensive professional preparation at Wright State University, fully 80 percent of our graduates find work in the field immediately after graduation. If desired, they may pursue additional graduate training in order to teach at the college or university level. Graduates have attended such programs as the Denver Center, Northwestern University, DePaul University, Emerson College, and New York University. They appear on television, films, radio, industrial films, and commercials, as well as on cruise ships and themed entertainment venues, comedy clubs, and cabarets.