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Tuition Fee
Start Date
Medium of studying
12 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Foreign Language
Area of study
Arabic Language and Literature
Course Language
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

The Undergraduate Certificate in Arabic Language is an online program that provides students with foundational knowledge and skills in Arabic. It covers grammar, vocabulary, everyday social interactions, and intermediate-level writing, speaking, reading, and listening skills. The program also introduces students to Islamic studies and Arabic literature. It is designed for students who want to participate in everyday social conversations, improve their understanding of Arab and Islamic culture, or pursue further Arabic study.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:

The Undergraduate Certificate in Arabic Language is a short course that provides students with the foundational knowledge and skills in the Arabic language. It is designed to equip students with the ability to participate in everyday social conversations, improve their understanding of Arab and Islamic culture, and gain intermediate-level writing, speaking, reading, and listening skills in Arabic. This course is also an ideal pathway to further Arabic study, providing students with the basics related to Islamic studies and Arabic literature.



  • Introduction to the Arabic language and its tools
  • Basic grammar and vocabulary
  • Everyday social interactions and cultural practices
  • Intermediate-level writing, speaking, reading, and listening skills
  • Introduction to Islamic studies and Arabic literature


  • Online delivery
  • Flexible study options (full-time or part-time)
  • Duration: 0.5 year (full-time) or 1 year (part-time)
  • Credit Points: 32
  • AQF Level: 5

Course Schedule:

  • Session 1: February 26, 2024 (Online)
  • Session 2: July 8, 2024 (Online)
  • Session 3: November 11, 2024 (Online)

Individual Modules with Descriptions:

  • ISL141 Arabic Language and Culture 1 (8 credit points): Introduces students to the Arabic language, its sounds, and basic grammar.
  • Students will learn to engage in simple conversations and develop an understanding of Arabic culture.
  • ISL242 Arabic Language and Culture 2 (8 credit points): Builds on the skills acquired in ISL141, focusing on developing students' proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
  • Students will explore more complex grammatical structures and expand their vocabulary.
  • ISL243 Arabic Language and Culture 3 (8 credit points): Further develops students' language skills and introduces them to more advanced topics in Arabic grammar, vocabulary, and culture.
  • Students will engage with authentic Arabic texts and participate in discussions on contemporary issues.
  • ISL140 The Arabic Script and its Sounds (8 credit points): (Restricted elective) Provides students with a thorough understanding of the Arabic script and its sounds.
  • Students will learn to read and write Arabic script accurately and develop an appreciation for its aesthetic qualities.
  • ISL261 Beginner Arabic Language 1 (8 credit points): (Restricted elective) Designed for students with no prior knowledge of Arabic, this module introduces the basics of Arabic grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.
  • Students will develop foundational skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.


Assessment methods may include:

  • Assignments
  • Quizzes
  • Exams
  • Presentations
  • Participation in online discussions


  • Teaching Methods: Online lectures, tutorials, and interactive activities
  • Faculty: Scholars with expertise in Arabic language, Islamic studies, and Arabic literature
  • Unique Approaches: Focus on practical language skills and cultural immersion


  • Arabic teacher
  • Academic in Islamic studies
  • Translator or interpreter
  • Cultural liaison
  • Journalist or writer specializing in the Middle East