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Program Facts
Program Details
Ancient Studies
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About Program

Program Overview

The Bachelor of Arts in Classics at the University of St. Thomas offers a comprehensive exploration of ancient Greek and Roman cultures, encompassing language, literature, art history, and more. Students can choose between a Culture Track or Language Track, and develop critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills. Graduates are well-prepared for careers in archaeology, museum curation, teaching, and other fields.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:

The Bachelor of Arts in Classics program at the University of St. Thomas provides a comprehensive exploration of ancient Greek and Roman cultures, encompassing language, literature, art history, history, philosophy, religion, and archaeology. Graduates develop critical thinking skills, cross-disciplinary communication abilities, and a deep understanding of the origins and foundations of Western civilization.


Culture Track

  • Requires 40 credits
  • Includes Latin/Greek 212 OR at least 12 credits in sequential courses in one language
  • Remaining credits/courses in culture or language

Language Track

  • Requires 40 credits
  • Includes a minimum of 28 credits (7 courses) in language (Latin &/or Greek), with at least 8 credits at the 300 level
  • Remaining credits/courses in either language or culture

Classics Minor

Culture Track

  • Requires 20 credits
  • Includes 4-8 credits in language
  • Includes at least 8 credits at the 200 level or above

Language Track

  • Requires 16 credits
  • Includes 12 credits in language


The classics faculty at St. Thomas are passionate and dedicated to providing students with a high-quality educational experience. The program emphasizes close interaction and personal relationships between faculty and students, creating a supportive and collaborative learning environment. Students are encouraged to engage in meaningful discussions and critical analysis, developing their abilities to think independently, communicate effectively, and solve problems creatively.


Graduates of the Classics program at the University of St. Thomas are equipped with versatile knowledge and practical skills that are highly sought after by employers. Graduates have pursued successful careers in various fields, including:

  • Archaeology
  • Museum Curation
  • Teaching
  • Travel Planning