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Program Facts
Program Details
Asian Studies
Area of study
Cultural Studies
Asian History
Course Language
About Program

Program Overview

The Asian Studies Minor at Coastal Carolina University enhances students' understanding of Asian humanities, fosters cross-cultural dialogue, and cultivates academic autonomy. Through a diverse range of courses in art, history, literature, religion, politics, and language, students develop cross-cultural literacy and prepare for advanced degrees or careers related to Asia.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:

  • Overview: The Asian Studies Minor program at Coastal Carolina University supplements students' major field of study by equipping them with a comprehensive understanding of Asian humanities, fostering inter-Asian and Asian-non-Asian dialogues, and cultivating cross-cultural literacy.
  • It aims to enhance students' competitiveness in advanced degrees or careers related to the history, politics, culture, and religious traditions of Asian countries. Central to the program's mission is the cultivation of academic autonomy, enabling students to explore Asia independently of predominantly American or Eurocentric perspectives.
  • Objectives: The program's objectives are to:
  • Enhance students' understanding of Asian humanities, including art, history, literature, religion, and politics.
  • Foster inter-Asian and Asian-non-Asian dialogues, promoting cross-cultural exchange and understanding.
  • Develop students' cross-cultural literacy, equipping them with the ability to navigate and interpret different cultural contexts.
  • Cultivate academic autonomy, empowering students to engage in independent research and critical thinking about Asia.
  • Improve students' competitiveness in advanced degrees or careers related to Asia.


  • Content: The program covers a wide range of topics related to Asia, including:
  • Art: World Art, Islamic Art and Architecture, Arts of China, Arts of Japan, Chinese Art and Archaeology, Chinese Visual Culture
  • History: Modern China, History of India, East Asian History, History of Modern Korea, Modern Japan, Pacific Front of World War II
  • Literature: Literature Across Cultures, Topics in World Literature: East/West Intersections, Contemporary Asian Fiction
  • Religion: Introduction to Asian Religions, Introduction to Buddhism, Introduction to Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism in Literature and Film, The Qur'an, Lives of Hindu and Buddhist Saints, Religion of India, Zen Buddhism
  • Politics: East Asian Politics, Chinese Politics, Chinese Foreign Policy and US-Chinese Relations
  • Language: Introductory Chinese I, Intermediate Chinese I, Intermediate Chinese II, Chinese Conversation, Chinese Reading and Writing
  • Structure: The program consists of 18 credit hours, distributed as follows:
  • Core Course: Understanding Other Cultures (ANTH 102) or Introduction to Intercultural Studies (LIS 122)
  • Electives: 15 credit hours from the approved list of courses in art, history, literature, religion, politics, and language.
  • Individual Modules: Not applicable.


  • All classes toward the minor must receive a 'C' grade or above.


  • Teaching Methods: The program employs a variety of teaching methods, including lectures, discussions, presentations, and group projects.
  • Faculty: The program is taught by a team of experienced faculty with expertise in various fields related to Asian studies.
  • Unique Approaches: The program emphasizes interdisciplinary approaches and encourages students to engage in independent research and critical thinking.


  • The Asian Studies Minor prepares students for advanced degrees or careers in a wide range of fields related to Asia, including:
  • Academia
  • Government
  • Business
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Education
  • Media
  • International relations
  • Cultural heritage preservation