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Program Facts
Program Details
Aviation Management | Aerospace Engineering
Area of study
Business & Management | Engineering
Aeronautics and Aerospace Science and Technology | Air Transportation and Aviation Operations
Course Language
About Program

Program Overview

The Aviation program at Ohio State University provides a comprehensive education in aviation management, operations, and flight support. Students gain a strong foundation in the industry, develop analytical and leadership skills, and engage in hands-on experiences through flight simulations, aircraft maintenance, and industry internships. Graduates are prepared for careers in various aviation sectors, including airline management, airport operations, flight operations, and aviation safety.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:

Aviation at the Ohio State University is an interdisciplinary program that provides students with a strong foundation in the aviation industry and the skills necessary for a successful career in the field. The curriculum combines technical expertise in aviation with a focus on management, economics and logistics, and flight support. The program prepares graduates for leadership roles in various aspects of the aviation sector, including airline management, airport management, flight operations, air transportation planning, and aviation safety. Graduates are also qualified for positions in research and development, government consulting, and regulatory bodies within the aviation industry. The objectives of the Aviation undergraduate program are to:

  • Provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the aviation industry, its history, regulations, and operations.
  • Develop students' analytical, problem-solving, and decision-making skills in the context of aviation management and operations.
  • Equip students with the technical knowledge and practical experience necessary for success in the aviation industry, including flight training and aircraft operations.
  • Foster students' leadership abilities, communication skills, and teamwork capabilities, which are essential for effective management in the aviation sector.
  • Prepare students for lifelong learning and professional development in the rapidly evolving field of aviation.
  • The program emphasizes a hands-on approach, providing students with opportunities for practical experience through flight simulations, aircraft maintenance exercises, and industry internships. Students also engage in research projects and participate in industry-sponsored competitions, allowing them to apply their knowledge in real-world settings and develop professional networks.


The Aviation program at Ohio State University has a structured curriculum that combines core aviation courses with elective options to meet individual interests and career goals.

Core Aviation Courses:

  • Aviation 2000: Introduction to the Aviation Industry
  • Aviation 2100: The Private Pilot Fundamentals
  • Aviation 2200: Aviation Communications
  • Aviation 2300: Aircraft Performance and Weather
  • Aviation 3000: Aviation Management and Marketing
  • Aviation 3200: Aviation Regulations
  • Aviation 3300: Aviation Human Factors and Safety
  • Aviation 4500: Aviation Capstone

Elective Aviation Courses:

Students can choose from various elective courses to complement their core coursework and specialize their knowledge and skills in specific aviation areas. These electives may include:

  • Flight Education: Private Pilot License, Instrument Rating, Commercial Pilot License, Multi-Engine Rating, Flight Instructor Rating.
  • Air Transportation Analysis: Airline Economics, Airport Planning and Design, Air Traffic Management.
  • Airport Management: Airport Operations and Management, Airport Marketing and Development, Airport Safety and Security.
  • Aviation Support: Unmanned Aerial Systems (Drones), Aviation Logistics, Aviation Maintenance.
  • Business and Management: Finance for Aviation, Marketing for Aviation, Human Resource Management for Aviation.


The Aviation program utilizes various assessment methods to evaluate students' progress and achievement. These methods include:

  • Coursework: Regular assignments, quizzes, and examinations are used to assess students' understanding of course content and their ability to apply concepts to practical scenarios.
  • Projects: Students complete individual and group projects throughout their coursework, allowing them to demonstrate their research, analysis, and communication skills.
  • Presentations: Students are required to deliver oral presentations, either individually or in teams, to share their research findings, project outcomes, or industry insights.
  • Internship Performance: Internships provide hands-on experience and are assessed based on student performance evaluations and supervisor feedback.
  • Capstone Project: The Aviation Capstone course requires students to work in teams on a real-world aviation-related project, demonstrating their ability to apply their knowledge and skills to solve industry challenges.


  • Expert Faculty: Students benefit from the guidance and instruction of experienced aviation professionals and industry experts who bring their real-world knowledge into the classroom.
  • Integrated Approach: The program combines theoretical and practical learning, providing students with both the technical foundation and hands-on experience necessary to succeed in the field.
  • Industry Partnerships: Ohio State University has established strong relationships with various aviation organizations, enabling students to access real-world industry experience, guest speakers, and potential internship/employment opportunities.
  • Research Opportunities: Students are encouraged to engage in research projects under faculty supervision, contributing to the advancement of aviation knowledge and industry practices.
  • Professional Development: The program provides opportunities for students to develop their professional networks, attend industry events, and enhance their communication, teamwork, and leadership abilities.


The Aviation program at the Ohio State University prepares graduates for a wide range of career opportunities in various sectors within the aviation industry, including:

  • Airlines: Pilot, Flight Attendant, Airline Management, Airport Operations.
  • Corporate and Private Aviation: Corporate Pilot, Flight Department Management.
  • Aviation Consulting and Management: Aviation Planning and Development, Safety Management, Regulatory Compliance, Airport Consulting, Unmanned Aerial Systems.
  • Airport and Air Traffic Control: Airport Management and Operations, Air Traffic Controller.
  • Government Agencies: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Transportation Safety Board (TSB), Department of Transportation (DOT).
  • Aerospace and Defense: Aircraft Manufacturing and Design, Aerospace Engineering.
  • Graduates may find employment at major airlines, regional carriers, corporate flight departments, aviation consultancies, airports, air traffic control facilities, government agencies, and aerospace organizations worldwide. The aviation industry offers a dynamic and rewarding career path for individuals with a passion for aviation, excellent technical and management skills and a strong work ethic.