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Program Facts
Program Details
Liberal Arts
Area of study
Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies
Course Language
About Program

Program Overview

The Interdisciplinary Film Studies Minor at Eastern Michigan University offers a comprehensive understanding of filmmaking through the study of diverse films. Students gain analytical and critical thinking skills, exploring film history, theory, and production. The minor prepares graduates for careers in the film industry and other fields requiring strong communication and storytelling abilities.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:

  • Overview:
  • The Interdisciplinary Film Studies Minor at Eastern Michigan University is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the art and history of filmmaking. Through the study of films from diverse cultures, periods, and genres, students will gain an appreciation for the power and influence of cinema as an art form and a means of storytelling.
  • Objectives:
  • Upon completion of the minor, students will be able to:
  • Understand the history and evolution of film as an art form
  • Analyze and interpret films from a variety of perspectives
  • Develop critical thinking and writing skills
  • Apply their knowledge of film to their own creative work
  • Program Description:
  • The Interdisciplinary Film Studies Minor consists of 24 credit hours, including 12 hours of required courses and 12 hours of restricted electives. The required courses provide students with a foundation in film history, theory, and criticism. The restricted electives allow students to explore their interests in specific areas of film studies, such as film production, screenwriting, or film studies.


  • Content:
  • The Interdisciplinary Film Studies Minor covers a wide range of topics, including:
  • Film history
  • Film theory
  • Film criticism
  • Screenwriting
  • Film production
  • Film studies
  • Structure:
  • The minor consists of 24 credit hours, including 12 hours of required courses and 12 hours of restricted electives. The required courses provide students with a foundation in film history, theory, and criticism. The restricted electives allow students to explore their interests in specific areas of film studies, such as film production, screenwriting, or film studies.
  • Course Schedule:
  • The Interdisciplinary Film Studies Minor is offered on a semester basis. Students can take the required courses in any order, and they can choose their restricted electives from a variety of courses offered throughout the year. However, students can choose to focus their coursework on a particular area of film studies, such as film production, screenwriting, or film studies.


  • Assessment Methods:
  • Students in the Interdisciplinary Film Studies Minor are assessed through a variety of methods, including:
  • Exams
  • Papers
  • Presentations
  • Creative projects
  • Assessment Criteria:
  • Students are assessed on their knowledge of film history, theory, and criticism; their ability to analyze and interpret films; their critical thinking and writing skills; and their ability to apply their knowledge of film to their own creative work.


  • Teaching Methods:
  • The Interdisciplinary Film Studies Minor is taught through a variety of methods, including:
  • Lectures
  • Discussions
  • Workshops
  • Screenings
  • Faculty:
  • The minor is taught by a team of experienced faculty members who are experts in their field. The faculty members are committed to providing students with a high-quality education and to helping them achieve their academic goals.
  • Unique Approaches:
  • The Interdisciplinary Film Studies Minor offers a number of unique approaches to teaching and learning, including:
  • A focus on hands-on experience: Students in the minor have the opportunity to work on a variety of film projects, including short films, documentaries, and screenplays.
  • A strong emphasis on critical thinking and writing: Students in the minor are encouraged to develop their critical thinking and writing skills through a variety of assignments, including essays, papers, and presentations.
  • A commitment to diversity: The minor is committed to providing students with a diverse range of perspectives on film.
  • The faculty members come from a variety of backgrounds, and the courses offered cover a wide range of topics.


  • Career Paths:
  • The Interdisciplinary Film Studies Minor can prepare students for a variety of careers in the film industry, including:
  • Film production
  • Screenwriting
  • Film criticism
  • Film studies
  • Film education
  • Opportunities:
  • The minor can also provide students with valuable skills and knowledge for careers in other fields, such as:
  • Marketing
  • Journalism
  • Education
  • Public relations