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Program Facts
Program Details
Astronomy & Astrophysics
Celestial Studies
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About Program

Program Overview

The Astronomy Associates of Science Degree program provides a foundation for STEM students to pursue further studies in astronomy and astrophysics. The program includes core courses in astronomy, mathematics, and physics, and is designed to align with the requirements for transfer to baccalaureate institutions. Students are encouraged to take additional courses in mathematics, chemistry, and computer science to enhance their preparation for advanced degrees in the astronomical sciences.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:

The Astronomy Associates of Science Degree program is intended to provide a solid background for STEM students to pursue further studies in astronomy and astrophysics. Most of the courses in this program are aligned with the requirements for transfer to baccalaureate institutions, and designed to apply towards higher degrees in the astronomical sciences.


Required Core Courses: 35 units

ASTR 100

Introduction to Astronomy 3 units


ASTR 115

The Solar System 3 units


ASTR 125

Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology 3 units


ASTR 103

Observational Astronomy Lab 1 unit

ASTR 210

Fundamentals of Astrophysics 4 units

MATH 251

Calculus with Analytic Geometry I 5 units

MATH 252

Calculus with Analytic Geometry II 5 units

MATH 253

Calculus with Analytic Geometry III 5 units

PHYS 250

Physics with Calculus I 4 units

MATH 252

Calculus with Analytic Geometry II 5 units

MATH 253

Calculus with Analytic Geometry III 5 units

PHYS 250

Physics with Calculus I 4 units

PHYS 260

Physics with Calculus II 4 units

PHYS 270

Physics with Calculus III 4 units Students planning to pursue an undergraduate degree in Astronomy or Astrophysics are strongly encouraged to take MATH 270 (Linear Algebra) and MATH 275 (Ordinary Differential Equations). Students planning to pursue an undergraduate degree in Astronomy or Astrophysics are strongly encouraged to take CHEM 210, CIS 117, and CIS 254.


Students with an Associates of Science degree in Astronomy can find opportunities facilities, JPL, and the SETI Institute. Many students will use this degree as a stepping stone to earn a more advanced degree in astronomy and astrophysics at any degree granting university.