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Program Facts
Program Details
Animal Science
Area of study
Animal Behavior and Ethology
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About Program

Program Overview

The Primate Behavior graduate program at CWU immerses students in the study of primate behavior through fieldwork, internships, and research projects. Guided by renowned faculty, students gain a comprehensive understanding of primatology, ethical research practices, and biodiversity conservation. Graduates are well-prepared for careers in research, conservation, education, primate care, and science communication.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:

In the

Primate Behavior

graduate program, you will delve into the captivating study of primate behavior. Our program transcends the confines of textbooks and classrooms, venturing into real-world environments where primates flourish. While our primary focus lies within primatology, we incorporate diverse theories and methodologies, including evolutionary theory and comparative psychology. This multifaceted approach equips you with the knowledge and tools to excel in the field. Emphasizing ethical practices in primatology and the significance of biodiversity, our program teaches you to conduct humane, noninvasive behavioral research on primates. By immersing yourself in this program, you not only gain insights into primate behavior but also contribute to shaping their conservation future.


Our program fosters close relationships between students and faculty mentors. This personalized approach ensures that you receive tailored guidance throughout your academic journey. Our renowned faculty members are actively engaged in cutting-edge research, bringing their expertise directly into the classroom. Beyond traditional lectures and seminars, you will engage in diverse learning experiences such as:

- Fieldwork:

Immerse yourself in real-world research settings, studying primate behavior firsthand.

- Internships:

Gain practical experience by working with non-human primates in captive or free-living environments.

- Research projects:

Conduct independent research under the supervision of experienced faculty members.

- Conference presentations:

Share your findings and engage with the broader scientific community.

- Collaborative learning:

Participate in group discussions, workshops, and other collaborative activities that enhance your critical thinking and communication skills.


With an MS in Primate Behavior from CWU, you will be well-equipped for a wide range of fulfilling career paths in the field. Our graduates have gone on to make significant contributions in various sectors, including:

- Research:

Pursue a career in research, investigating primate behavior, cognition, and conservation.

- Conservation:

Champion primate conservation initiatives by working in governmental or non-governmental organizations.

- Education:

Inspire future generations by teaching primate behavior and conservation at universities, colleges, or outreach programs.

- Primate care and management:

Assume roles in zoos, wildlife sanctuaries, or primate rehabilitation centers, overseeing the well-being and enrichment of captive primates.

- Science communication:

Bridge the gap between science and the public, sharing your knowledge and passion for primate behavior through writing, speaking, or other forms of outreach.