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Program Facts
Program Details
Manufacturing & Production
Area of study
Gunsmithing and Firearms Repair | Metal Fabrication and Metalworking
Course Language
About Program

Program Overview

This program prepares students for a career as a metal fabricator, a highly skilled trade with excellent earning potential and career advancement opportunities. Fabricators are responsible for applying technology and training to their crews, justifying their premium earnings in a global marketplace. The program provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in this demanding field.

Program Outline


  • Metal fabricators are often selected to lead teams on projects, selected as department heads, and urged to pursue managerial positions.
  • Fabricators are at the highest level of income due to their background of training and development.
  • Statistics suggest that you will experience at least four careers in your working life.
  • An important consideration needs to be earning power and flexibility to pursue other education while working. This trade will give you tremendous shift selection, employment income, and transferability to other or related trades and technologies.
  • In a global marketplace, fabricators will continue to earn a premium due to their ability to apply technology and training to their crews, justifying their expense in relation to other trades.