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Tuition Fee
CAD 1,074
Per semester
Start Date
Medium of studying
24 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Classical Studies
Area of study
Cultural Studies
Folklore Studies
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
CAD 1,074
About Program

Program Overview

This program prepares students for careers in academia, museums, archives, media, public sector folklore, and arts administration. Graduates have secured positions at universities, colleges, and other institutions in North America and Europe, as well as in interdisciplinary fields such as communications, dance ethnography, English, French, and women's studies.

Program Outline


Graduates of our program teach at universities and colleges in many parts of North America and Europe, not only in folklore departments but also as interdisciplinary appointments in fields such as communications, dance ethnography, English, French, and women's studies. Not all have followed academic careers; our graduates have also gone on to work in museums, archives, print and broadcast media, public sector folklore, and arts administration.

Tuition Fees and Payment Information:

Tuition (NL students):

  • Graduate diploma: $420/semester
  • MA: $635-$953/semester
  • PhD: $888/semester

Tuition (Other Canadian students):

  • Graduate diploma: $546/semester
  • MA: $826-$1,239/semester
  • PhD: $1,154/semester

Tuition (International students):

  • Graduate diploma: $710/semester
  • MA: $1,074-$1,611/semester
  • PhD: $1,499/semester