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18 months
Program Facts
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Health Administration
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Health/Medical Claims Examiner
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About Program

Program Overview

Duquesne University's Master's in Healthcare Ethics program equips graduates with a comprehensive understanding of ethical principles in healthcare. Through a combination of core and elective courses, students explore ethical issues, develop critical thinking skills, and prepare for careers in healthcare ethics consultation, hospital administration, and other related fields. The program emphasizes real-world application and ethical decision-making through case studies, guest speakers, and role-playing exercises.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:

The Master's in Healthcare Ethics program offered by Duquesne University delves into ethical issues prevalent across various components of healthcare. It aims to foster a comprehensive understanding of the moral principles that guide ethical practices, policies, and decision-making in the healthcare domain. Graduates of this program are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to address real-world ethical dilemmas within the healthcare field.


  • To provide a thorough grounding in the ethical and moral principles that underpin healthcare practices, policies, and decision-making.
  • To explore ethical issues related to healthcare, such as decision-making capacity, surrogate decision-making, beneficence, and health justice.
  • To examine the philosophical, religious, and cultural perspectives that shape attitudes toward ethical issues in healthcare.
  • To prepare graduates for careers in healthcare ethics consultation, hospital administration, healthcare policy, NGO work, or academic research.


The Master's in Healthcare Ethics program comprises a total of 10 courses (30 credits). It consists of a graduate-level introduction to ethics course and nine additional courses selected from general healthcare ethics offerings. Students have the flexibility to choose the nine HCE courses that align with their interests. The program does not require a thesis or comprehensive examination.

  • Introduction to Ethics
  • This course provides a foundation in ethical theory and principles, exploring concepts such as moral reasoning, virtue ethics, and utilitarianism.
  • General Healthcare Ethics Courses
  • Students can select nine courses from the following general healthcare ethics offerings:
  • Decision-Making Capacity and Surrogate Decision-Making
  • Beneficence and Health Justice
  • End-of-Life Care: Ethical and Legal Issues
  • Ethics of Human Experimentation
  • Ethics of Mental Health
  • Ethics of Public Health
  • Ethics of Reproduction
  • Ethics of Technology in Healthcare
  • Global Health Ethics


Assessment methods may vary depending on the specific courses in the program. However, common assessment methods include:

  • Exams: Written examinations that test students' knowledge of course material and their ability to apply ethical principles to healthcare scenarios.
  • Essays: Written assignments that require students to analyze ethical issues and present well-reasoned arguments.
  • Class Participation: Active engagement in class discussions and group work contributes to the overall assessment.
  • Research Projects: Some courses may involve research projects that allow students to apply their understanding of healthcare ethics to real-world situations.


The Master's in Healthcare Ethics program at Duquesne University employs a variety of teaching methods to engage students and facilitate learning:

  • Lectures: Faculty members deliver lectures to present core concepts and theories in healthcare ethics.
  • Discussions: Class discussions encourage active participation and exchange of perspectives on ethical issues.
  • Guest Speakers: Experts in the field of healthcare ethics are invited to share their insights and experiences.
  • Case Studies: Students analyze real-world case studies to apply ethical principles and develop practical solutions.
  • Role-Playing Exercises: Simulations allow students to experience ethical dilemmas firsthand and practice ethical decision-making.


Graduates of the Master's in Healthcare Ethics program have pursued careers in various sectors, including:

  • Healthcare Ethics Consultation
  • Hospital Administration
  • Healthcare Policy
  • NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) Work
  • Academic Research
  • Ethics Committees
  • Government Agencies
  • Law
  • Education
  • Consulting