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Program Facts
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International Relations
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Business & Management
Advanced Military and Operational Studies
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About Program

Program Overview

Advanced Photographers (ART X 450.40) is a course designed for advanced photographers seeking to expand their knowledge of the photographic process through collaborative group critiques. Students will engage in discussions, sharing their perceptions, interpretations, and ideas in a nurturing environment. The emphasis on conceptual critique, rather than technical guidance, aims to deepen students' understanding of themselves as artists. Through weekly individualized projects tailored to their unique talents and goals, students will hone their conceptual and technical skills.

Program Outline


The course, Advanced Photographers (ART X 450.40), is designed for advanced photographers seeking to expand their knowledge of the photographic process through collaborative group critiques. Students will engage in discussions, sharing their perceptions, interpretations, and ideas in a nurturing environment. The emphasis on conceptual critique, rather than technical guidance, aims to deepen students' understanding of themselves as artists. Through weekly individualized projects tailored to their unique talents and goals, students will hone their conceptual and technical skills. The course culminates in the refinement of their voice and vision as photographers, along with the assessment of how their ideas resonate with a broader audience.