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Program Facts
Program Details
Acting | Drama | Performing Arts | Theatre | Theatre & Drama Studies
Area of study
Arts | Humanities
Dance and Choreography | Theatre and Performing Arts | Drama and Theatre Arts | Acting and Performance Arts | Music Performance and Instrumental Studies
Course Language
About Program

Program Overview

The Hartt Actor Training program cultivates students' creativity and technical skills in acting, preparing them for diverse professional opportunities. Through a progression of classes, performance opportunities, and intensive Shakespeare training in England, students develop a strong foundation in theatre history and theory. The program's unique approaches, including partnerships with regional theatres and guest artists, provide real-world experience and foster a collaborative learning environment.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:


  • The program challenges students to expand their craft and creative imagination to succeed in various theatrical styles.
  • Focuses on acting, voice and speech, and movement classes.
  • Fourth-year students audition for roles in the Hartford Stage Company's season.


  • To develop students' creative and technical skills in acting.
  • To prepare students for a variety of professional acting opportunities.
  • To provide students with a strong foundation in the history and theory of theatre.

Program Description:

  • The program emphasizes a carefully planned progression of classes that build students' skills and confidence.
  • Performance opportunities are extensive, with students participating in productions from across the theatrical repertoire.


Teaching Methods:

  • The program utilizes a variety of teaching methods, including lectures, workshops, rehearsals, and individual coaching.
  • Emphasis on student-centered learning and active participation.


  • The program boasts a dedicated faculty with extensive professional experience and expertise in theatre.

Unique Approaches:

  • The program offers students the opportunity to study Shakespeare in England under the guidance of professional British theatre artists.
  • The program provides students with real-world experience through partnerships with regional theatres.


Career Paths:

  • Students are prepared for a variety of careers in the theatre industry, including acting, directing, playwriting, and teaching.

Career Opportunities:

  • Graduates have gone on to work with prestigious theatre companies, film and television productions, and educational institutions.

Career Outcomes:

  • The program boasts a high graduate employment rate in the theatre industry.


Performance Opportunities:

Hartt offers numerous performance opportunities throughout the year, allowing students to gain valuable experience and showcase their talents.

Faculty and Guest Artists:

The program benefits from the expertise and connections of a dedicated faculty and renowned guest artists.

Collaborative Environment:

The program fosters a collaborative and supportive learning environment for students to grow and learn from each other.