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Program Facts
Program Details
English Studies | English Literature | Literature | English | English Language
Area of study
Humanities | Langauges
Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language/ESL Language Instructor | Rhetoric and Composition | Rhetoric and Composition/Writing Studies | Literary Theory | Literature and Literary Analysis
Course Language
About Program

Program Overview

Marquette University's PhD in English program prepares students for college-level teaching and research in Anglophone literatures. The program emphasizes comprehensive knowledge, critical analysis, research methods, and pedagogical skills. Students work closely with faculty advisors to develop a program of study that aligns with their individual interests and research goals. The program offers opportunities for professional development, including teaching assistantships, conference presentations, and publication in academic journals.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:


The PhD in English program at Marquette University is designed to prepare students for college-level teaching and research in British, American, and other Anglophone literatures. The program emphasizes comprehensive knowledge of literature, critical and textual analysis, research methods, and pedagogical skills.


  • Develop a deep understanding of Anglophone literatures across various periods and genres.
  • Acquire expertise in critical and textual analysis of literary works.
  • Master research methods and apply them to conduct original research.
  • Gain experience in teaching literature, rhetoric, and composition.

Program Description:

The program consists of 54 credit hours of coursework beyond the bachelor's degree (including 24 hours beyond the master's degree) and 12 credit hours of dissertation research. Students work closely with faculty advisors to develop a program of study that aligns with their individual interests and research goals.


The program also offers opportunities for professional development, including teaching assistantships, conference presentations, and publication in academic journals.



  • Theory and Methods (3-6 credits):
  • 6820 Studies in Modern Theory and Practice
  • 6965 Practicum in Teaching Writing (for TAs)
  • Electives (18 credits):
  • 9 credits must be at the 6000 level or above.
  • Dissertation Tutorial (3 credits):
  • Dissertation Tutorial 8830
  • Dissertation Credits (12 credits):
  • Dissertation Credits 8999


  • Students must complete an original and substantial dissertation that contributes to their chosen field of study.
  • The dissertation typically takes 18-24 months to complete.
  • The program offers specialized tracks in British Literature, American Literature, and Comparative Literature.
  • Students are required to pass a qualifying exam before advancing to the dissertation stage.


Qualifying Exam:

  • Consists of an oral examination where students are questioned on their primary and contextual fields of study.


  • Evaluated by a committee of faculty members.
  • Must demonstrate original research, critical analysis, and effective writing skills.


Teaching Methods:

  • Students gain teaching experience through teaching assistantships.
  • The program emphasizes active learning and student engagement.


  • The program boasts experienced and renowned faculty with expertise in various areas of Anglophone literature.

Unique Approaches:

  • The program emphasizes a collaborative learning environment and close interaction between students and faculty.


Potential Career Paths:

  • College or university professor
  • High school English teacher
  • Editor or publisher
  • Literary critic or researcher
  • Librarian or archivist


  • The program prepares graduates for careers in academia, education, publishing, and other fields related to English literature and language.


  • Students have access to extensive library resources and research facilities.