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Tuition Fee
GBP 520
Per year
Start Date
Medium of studying
2 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Computer Engineering | Computer Programming | Software Engineering
Area of study
Computer Science & IT
User Experience Design | Computer Systems and Architecture | Web Technologies and Cloud Computing | Information Technology
Education type
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
GBP 520
About Program

Program Overview

This 10-week online short course in Android app development provides comprehensive training in key topics such as user interfaces, threading, and data persistence. Led by industry professionals, it equips participants with the skills to design, develop, and publish Android apps, opening up career opportunities in the rapidly growing mobile app industry. No prior Android experience is required, but a strong foundation in Java programming is recommended.

Program Outline


Key topics covered:

  • User interfaces: Learn how to design and develop intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for your Android apps.
  • Threading: Understand the power of multithreading to improve app performance and responsiveness.
  • Maps & location: Integrate Google Maps and location-based services into your apps.
  • Services: Discover how to use services to perform background tasks and extend app functionality.
  • Sensors: Learn to leverage device sensors like accelerometer, gyroscope, and camera for enhanced user experiences.
  • Media: Work with multimedia elements like audio, video, and images in your apps.
  • Networking: Implement network communication to connect your apps to online resources.
  • Data persistence: Explore various methods for storing and managing data within your Android apps.


The course will be delivered online over 10 weeks. Each week, you will typically have one evening session.

Course schedule:

The exact course schedule is yet to be confirmed.

Individual modules:

The course is expected to be divided into modules covering each of the key topics mentioned above. However, specific module details are not currently available.


  • Taught by industry professionals: You will learn from experienced Android developers who are actively working in the field.
  • Accessible online teaching: The course is delivered online, allowing you to study from anywhere with an internet connection.
  • City, University of London certificate: You will receive an official certificate upon successful completion of the course.


  • Android development is a rapidly growing field with high demand for skilled developers.
  • This course can equip you with the skills needed to land exciting job opportunities in the mobile app industry.
  • You could work for established companies, startups, or even develop your own apps as an entrepreneur.


  • No prior experience with Android development is required.
  • You should have a strong foundation in Java programming.
  • The course will provide you with the opportunity to develop your own Android app and publish it to Google Play.

Additional Information:

  • Fees: £520 (unconfirmed)
  • Location: Online (unconfirmed)

Please check the official course website for the latest updates.