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Tuition Fee
Start Date
Medium of studying
12 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Chinese Language | Asian Studies | Culture | History
Area of study
Arts | Langauges
Chinese Language and Literature | Chinese Studies | East Asian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics | East Asian Studies
Full time
Course Language
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

This foundation program prepares students for a degree in Chinese Studies at Durham University. It focuses on developing language skills, cultural understanding, and critical thinking, culminating in a year abroad in China.

Program Outline

Degree Overview:

  • Overview: This program prepares students for a degree in Chinese Studies at Durham University.
  • Students will develop the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in their degree, with a focus on epistemological maturity, metacognitive skills, independent learning, and becoming increasingly specialized in the language.
  • Objectives:
  • Gain foundational knowledge of the Chinese language.
  • Develop essential academic skills for university study.
  • Prepare for a year abroad in China.
  • Progress to the full BA Chinese Studies degree.
  • Program Description: The program starts with a one-year foundation course focusing on developing the necessary skills and knowledge for university-level study.
  • This includes modules on Arts and Humanities concepts, scholarship in higher education, and advanced scholarship. After completing the foundation year, students progress to the first year of their undergraduate degree in Chinese Studies.


  • Program Content:
  • Focuses on developing language skills, cultural understanding, and critical thinking.
  • Includes modules on language, literature, history, politics, and culture.
  • Culminates in a year abroad in China.
  • Structure:
  • The program starts with a one-year foundation course (120 academic credits) followed by the 3-year BA Chinese Studies degree.
  • The foundation year includes 20 hours of taught content and 10 hours of tutorial or small group seminar support for every 15 credits.
  • Each year of the BA program includes approximately 16 hours of contact time per week.
  • There is a strong emphasis on independent study and individual projects.
  • Course Schedule:
  • The program starts in September each year.
  • Modules:
  • Foundation Year:
  • Concepts, Methods and Theories in Arts and Humanities
  • Scholarship in Higher Education (Extended)


  • Assessment methods:
  • A blend of coursework, exams, and presentations.
  • Emphasis on independent study and research.
  • Assessment criteria:
  • Based on demonstration of knowledge, understanding, and critical thinking skills.


  • Teaching methods:
  • Lectures, tutorials, workshops, and seminars.
  • Faculty:
  • Experienced and qualified teaching staff from the Centre for Academic Development and the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures.
  • Unique approaches:
  • Emphasis on developing metacognitive skills and independent learning.


  • Potential career paths:
  • Jobs requiring Chinese language skills, cultural understanding, and strong communication skills.
  • Opportunities in international businesses, government, education, and research.
  • Career support:
  • Careers service available to support students in their job search.


  • Eligibility:
  • Open to UK students (including students with Settled Status) from under-represented groups in Higher Education.
  • Specific requirements include academic achievement in English and potential for success in studying a modern foreign language.
  • Fees and funding:
  • Scholarships and bursaries available.

The tuition fees for 2025/26 academic year have not yet been finalised, they will be displayed here once approved. The tuition fees shown for home students are for one complete academic year of full time study and are set according to the academic year of entry. Fees for subsequent years of your course may rise in line with an inflationary uplift as determined by the government. The tuition fees shown for overseas and EU students are for one complete academic year of full time study, are set according to the academic year of entry, and remain the same throughout the duration of the programme for that cohort (unless otherwise stated).