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Royal Holloway University

Royal Holloway University

University Facts
Average ranking globally
# 413
Average ranking in the country
# 67
About University
Royal Holloway University
Royal Holloway University


Holloway University is a public university located in London, England. It was founded in 1875 as the Holloway College for Women and became a constituent college of the University of London in 1900. In 2006, Holloway College merged with the Roehampton Institute to form the University of Roehampton.

Student Life:

    Extracurricular Activities:

    Holloway University offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, including over 50 student societies, sports clubs, and volunteering opportunities.

    Student Support Services:

    The university provides a variety of student support services, including academic advising, counseling, and health and well-being services.

    Sports Teams:

    Holloway University has a number of sports teams that compete in British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS) competitions.


    The university has a modern campus with a library, computer labs, a gym, and a student center.


    Academic Resources:

    Holloway University has a library with over 500,000 books and journals, as well as access to a wide range of online resources.

    Teaching Methodologies:

    The university uses a variety of teaching methodologies, including lectures, seminars, and workshops.

    Academic Support Services:

    The university provides a range of academic support services, including writing centers, math tutoring, and language support.

    Unique Academic Programs:

    Holloway University offers a number of unique academic programs, including a BA in Fashion and Textiles and an MA in Creative Writing.

Top Reasons to Study Here:

    Excellent Teaching:

    Holloway University has a reputation for excellent teaching, with many of its programs receiving high ratings in the National Student Survey.

    Beautiful Campus:

    The university's campus is located in a beautiful parkland setting in southwest London.

    Strong Industry Links:

    Holloway University has strong links with industry, which provides students with opportunities for internships and graduate employment.

    Diverse Student Body:

    The university has a diverse student body, with students from over 100 countries.



    Holloway University has a health center that provides a range of services, including medical consultations, vaccinations, and sexual health advice.


    The university offers a variety of on-campus and off-campus housing options for students.

    Library Resources:

    The university's library has a wide range of resources, including books, journals, and online databases.

    Technology Support:

    The university provides a range of technology support services, including computer labs, Wi-Fi access, and online learning resources.

    Career Development:

    The university's careers service provides students with support and guidance on career planning, job applications, and interview skills.
Total programs