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5 Tips to Balance Your Life: Work, School & Social

On education
Preparing yourself
Study Abroad



One of the hardest skills you'll ever need to learn is to manage your time. You deserve to achieve academic success, spend cherished time with friends, and increase your income. However, if you only get four hours of sleep per night and you fall behind in your studies, the tension might mount and turn your life into a nightmare. But have no fear! Educatly is here to help you, and we will tell you about the 5 things you can do to balance your work, studies, and social life. 


Here's how to live to the fullest: 5 Tips to balance your life

1. Set up clear goals

You can stay organized, motivated, and accountable by setting short- and long-term goals. Once you achieve those goals, you will feel much more accomplished. Make a list of reasonable, yet slightly hard, goals with due dates at the beginning of the semester or the quarter. 


2. Prioritize your ‘ME’ time

Don't you ever feel guilty for taking some time for yourself? Most of us do, but trust me, you don’t need to. Time for yourself is needed, and you deserve it. Think of it as the time you rest the machine that’s responsible for everything in your life! Your brain needs to get disconnected from work and studies for a little bit. So make sure to take some time off for yourself to relax and enjoy your hobbies and your life. 


3. Find support

This is one of the most important things you can do to balance your work and life. Feeling supported is one of the best feelings. Support from family, friends, and colleagues will motivate you to work harder and produce more. So always make sure to surround yourself with people who acknowledge your efforts and celebrate YOU.


Tips to Balance Your Life


4. Keep a to-do list on hand

You don't know how much a to-do list or a planner will change your mind until you try it. Or you can even download a mobile application to write down your goals and scratch them off when you do them! It does not matter which option you choose; the most important thing is that you need to have all your tasks in front of you to remain organized. 


5. Go easy on yourself

Don't bury yourself under piles of work and get mad when you don't finish them all. Always keep in mind that you are allowed to make mistakes. Working, studying, spending time with people, and enjoying hobbies all at once are not easy tasks to achieve. So be easy on yourself and enjoy the process!


Working, studying, and having a social life mean that you’re living to the fullest, and if this isn’t worthy of celebrating, we don't know what is. So make sure to enjoy it to the max.


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