Explore 283 Bachelors Programs in Sports Science | Educatly
Sports Science
283 search.programs
- BachelorsBachelor´s Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences8,112 search.USD / search.annualUCAM - Catholic University of MurciaMurcia, SpainFull timeOn campus-4 years
- BachelorsSport and Exercise Science | BSc (Hons)21,096 search.USD / -Anglia Ruskin UniversityCambridge, United KingdomFull time and Part time--3 years
- BachelorsBSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science with Foundation Year19,719 search.USD / search.annualCanterbury Christ Church UniversityCanterbury, United KingdomFull timeOn campusFall 20254 years
- BachelorsBachelor of Sport and Exercise Science-Eastern Institute Of TechnologyAuckland, New ZealandFull time--3 years
- BachelorsBSc (Hons) Sport and Exercise Science with Sandwich Placement17,097 search.USD / search.annualCity University of LondonWalsall, United KingdomFull time--4 years
- BachelorsExercise & Sport Science-Weber State UniversityOgden, United StatesFull time and Part time--Less than two years
- BachelorsSport and Exercise Science BSc (Hons)19,836 search.USD / search.annualUniversity of BedfordshireBedford, United KingdomFull time--Less than two years
- BachelorsBachelor of Science in Education in Sports Science-Wright State UniversityDayton, United StatesFull time and Part time--Less than two years
- BachelorsSport & Physical Education BSc (Hons)19,836 search.USD / search.annualUniversity of BedfordshireBedford, United KingdomFull time and Part time--3 years
- BachelorsApplied Sports Science with Strength and Conditioning - BSc-Technological University of the ShannonThurles, IrelandFull time and Part time--3 years